Saturday Study Corner 20/02 – 26/02

Art (All Years)Professor Professor Juliette Moore (Honey Vanilla)Sketch and use colour mediums of an image of your pottery item from class. ((Templates if needed : )) Herbology (All Years)Professor Dumorney (Ebediyet Snowpaw)Homework is at least two rolls of parchment on Preacher’s Porridge and Valerian Roots Magical Theory (All Years)Professor Reuter (Jamie Delwood)Two scrolls of parchment on Unicorn…


Saturday Study Corner 13/02 – 19/02

Herbology (All Years)Professor Dumorney (Ebediyet Snowpaw)Homework is at least two pieces of parchment on wormwoodMagical Theory (All Years)Professor Reuter (Jamie Delwood)Write two scrolls of parchment on your wand wood and core, reflect on their properties, and think about how they relate to you Extra Credit (max twice a week) Care of Magical CreaturesProfessor Eastwood (PeasantWomen Resident)Two times…
