Hogwarts is a prestigious boarding school — as such (and according to canon), there is a strict uniform/dresscode.
Below lists the OOC dresscode for students attending Hogwarts, and OOC clothing infractions. When applying to Mischief Managed you will be asked to ensure your uniform follows the below rules.
If you choose to break the IC School Rules then there will be IC Consequences to your IC Actions. Breaking of OOC rules will be actioned as outlined below.
If you break the OOC dresscode, you will be contacted by a moderator. We understand and appreciate you may not have realised you have broken OOC rules so please do not panic if you are contacted. We wish to support you in adhering to our sim rules, and to Second Life’s Terms of Service.
These OOC rules are listed at the bottom of the page.
Our staff have the right to do their job at Mischief Managed without rudeness or disrespect. Please afford them the same respect that you expect to receive.
We are inclusive of how you choose to represent yourself and do not restrict any roleplayer to a gender binary. If you do not identify with a certain gender then you are free to dress how you wish as long as rules are followed.
Trousers and skirts are not gender exclusive. Our images only convey a generic look when providing dresscode examples.
We have taken care to remove any gender restrictions on dress code and further try to keep rules equal for male, female, or other.

Uniforms should be worn to every class, and every weekday from 7.30am SLT to 2pm SLT, whether in or out of class.
After 2pm, uniforms are only required to be worn during class.
Uniforms should also always be worn to official school events or feasts unless otherwise specified, this will usually include robes.
This is an IC rule and will only ever be dealt with IC. Sometimes a prefect or professor may IM you but only to clarify if you are intentionally rule breaking.
The Harry Potter stories and films differed on what students wore to class. The books, the truest canon, were clear that wizarding folk did not wear Muggle clothing of any sort — trousers, sweaters, anything. They solely wore robes! But, this is unrealistic for Second Life, so we also freely accept that students wear their uniform as shown in the films. Our official description is as follows:
- Shirt
- White button-up oxford shirt
- Jumper/Sweater, or Cardigan
- Grey, dark grey, or black
- Accents must only be in House colours, worn over your shirt.
- No blazers.
- Tie
- Simple solid or striped tie in House colours only
- Worn correctly i.e. no bow ties, or bows.
- Trousers
- Grey, dark grey, or black full-length dress trousers (NOT JEANS).
- Unadorned, but may have very subtle or minimalist texture/pattern/fabric.
- Simple stripes in House colours on the cuffs are acceptable.
- Skirts
- Grey, dark grey, or black plain skirt.
- Skirts must be between midthigh and below the knee (see image below)
- Long skirts and mini/short skirt lengths may not be worn with uniform
- Simple stripes in House colours on the hem are acceptable.
- Pinafore
- Students in their first or second year are allowed to wear a pinafore. The colour and length of the pinafore is as per the skirt rules.
- Socks or tights
- White, grey, or black
- Longer than ankle length
- Socks or tights may only have accents in the colour of your house
- If your skirt is midthigh you must wear tights.

Allowed skirt lengths
(L-R) Long, Knee length, Mid Thigh, Short
Long skirts and mini/short skirt lengths may not be worn with uniform.
- Shoes
- Plain dark grey or black dress shoes with no heel or a small kitten heel.
- Only flat shoes may be worn UNLESS your flat shoes are on tippy toe.
- Shoes may have an accenting colour (black and dark grey with house colour lining or trim around edges).
- Heels, platform shoes, athletic shoes or plimsolls are not allowed in uniform.
- Black or Grey boots may be worn outside. Boots must be taken off when entering the castle.
- Solid dark grey or black.
- Accenting house colours are acceptable.
- Robes should be longer than the knee but not drag on the ground.
- Robes may have hoods if necessary. Often encouraged.
- OPTIONAL: Pointed Hat
- A grey, dark grey or black pointed hat can be worn with uniform.
- Hats may have house colour lining or trim/accents on.
- At official events pointed hats should not have a rim.
- OPTIONAL: Winter Wear
- white, grey, black or house colour gloves, scarves and hats with uniform.
- Coats should be of black or grey or house colour in winter/autumn months of Hogwarts with trousers or skirt underneath.
PLEASE NOTE: Some events, such as feasts or assemblies, will require students to wear FULL uniform, which is the standard uniform plus robes. This is the formal uniform for Hogwarts students and is reserved for very important events during the year. The times this will be required will be specified in notices — for the most part, when “uniform required” is mentioned, it is by default referring to the apparel listed above without the robe and hat.
Casual wear is comfortable, casual clothing. It can be worn around the castle any day after 2pm SLT, or at all times in the Common Rooms or on weekends (unless in class). Dressing appropriate for the student’s age is the only limitation; clothing must be appropriate and PG. There are few IC consequences for casual wear infractions; our limitations are very free, so breaking them is usually a more serious offence.
Casual wear is what you wear daily when not in uniform. You can wear what you wish within reason. Here’s a small list of what is not acceptable for wearing at Mischief Managed – uniform or casual
- Skirts any shorter than the diagram above are not allowed
- For clarity, if you remove your tights and can see butt cheeks, please don’t wear it.
- If in any doubt, check with a moderator
- Slits in the skirt must go no higher than above the knee
- Heels over 3’’ (mid height), or platforms with a sole thicker than 1.5” are not allowed.
- Open shirts, blouses, tops that are cut any lower than point 5 on the image shown below.
- Any lower will require an applier/top underneath.
- Sheer leggings or tights with noticeable skin tone underneath.
- Leggings or tights must be thick/opaque
- When wearing leggings, tops worn MUST cover your avatar’s bottom.
- Booty shorts of any kind. Shorts must cover the entire bottom.
- Between the months of May and September tights are not needed with shorts.
- Tights MUST be worn with skirts that are above mid thigh.
- Cropped tops that rise any higher than the sternum (point 6 on the image below) – This includes sports bras.
- Students may only have 1 small earring per ear
- Multiple ear piercings are an IC infraction
- Gauges and stretched ear lobes are not allowed and are an OOC infraction.
- Facial piercings (brow, nose) or belly button piercings:
- IC infraction if the student is 4th year or older
- OOC infraction if the student is below 4th year
- Over school holidays this rule also is applicable

Please bear in mind the temperature at Hogwarts that day means some clothing may be considered inappropriate by Professors/Prefects/your peers and you may ICly be asked to change based on this
Party/Ball wear
Parties and Balls are a bit different. Students are allowed to dress up in ways they wouldn’t usually on a day to day basis. Please be aware of the following rules regarding Party/Ball wear.
- Dresses that are strapless must not have a low cut neckline.
- Cleavage must be covered as much as possible
- Any lower than point 5 on the above diagram will require an applier
- There should be no visible breast shading underneath the arms
- Slits in your dresses may be no higher than mid thigh.
- If the slit of your skirt is higher than above knee you MUST wear tights.
- Heels higher than kitten heels are allowed for 4th year and above as per the rules set out below.
- If in doubt, speak to a moderator prior to the event.
- Low cut backs on dresses are allowed, however the back must go no lower than the T12 vertebrae on the diagram below.
- Any lower and an applier must be worn underneath.

- Students must not wear any type of heels taller than 1” (kitten heel) while in their uniform.
- Heels higher than kitten heel (mid-height) in uniform are an IC infraction
- Heels higher than mid-height at any point are an OOC infraction
- Heels can be worn with casual wear by 4th year and above.
- Stilettos are still not allowed.
- 3’’ maximum (mid height)
- Heels higher than mid-height at any point are an OOC infraction
- Boots and Wedges are allowed if they are within the above limits
- High Heeled Shoes are not allowed to be worn on sim by students.
- High feet may be worn if shoes are actually flat and mimic being on your tiptoes

Mesh Bodies
Mesh bodies are allowed on sim. However, they must be kept realistic for your characters age.
Students should not enhance their breasts or buttocks sliders and should monitor their bodies as they would with their normal standard SL body.
We do not allow bodies with enhanced nipples or the showing of nipples through bras and tops. Any additional enhancement (Breast/Buttock) are strictly forbidden.
Toddler avatars are not allowed as they are not realistic for an 11 year old or older.
Mesh Heads
Mesh heads can be worn as long as they look realistic.
We do not allow any non-realistic looking heads.
Please remember that the majority of you are in your teens (in roleplay) and your face has to represent it.
If you have any questions please speak with an ALO or moderator.
Make up
In your application we will ask that your character has minimal-to-no make up on, this is so that if your character gets in trouble ICly regarding their make up you have a fresh face to revert to.
Noticeable makeup may result in IC disciplinary action, including points loss and detention at the discretion of the professors/faculty.
In very rare circumstances a member of OOC staff may feel that your make up is too excessive, this will be addressed on a case by case basis however this would not be a frequent occurrence as we feel it best to be handled ICly
Make up is allowed at formal events.
Bathroom Attire
We understand that it is immersion breaking having to use the shower or bathroom fully dressed. When using the bathroom if you choose to wear a towel it must cover all areas. If the towel is around your waist you must cover your chest also.
Pajama Attire
When wearing pajamas please make sure that you are covered up. Vests, tanks, t-shirts, shorts, etc are all acceptable so long as they adhere to the regular dresscode rules. (In the case of pajamas, shorts are able to be worn without tights year round, however must be restricted to dorms, bathrooms, and common rooms.
Wearing pajamas in the Hospital Wings is also acceptable if your character has an overnight stay.)
Please also refrain from using sports bras as pajama attire.
When swimming at Hogwarts your upper and lower half must remain covered. Swimwear must be appropriate for your character’s age.
- Bikinis are not allowed. Tankinis are.
- Swimsuits must not be low cut.
- If you choose to wear swim shorts you must wear a t-shirt or tank
- Swimwear MUST cover the majority of your bottom. If in doubt you can always ask a moderator or manager for advice.
These OOC offences are the same whether the uniform is worn or casual wear, and are listed below.
Clothing and uniform issues are dealt with In Character by school teachers and staff for the majority of cases, as it would be in the real world. However, if an IC Staff member thinks the item(s) worn go beyond a simple character reprimand/points loss, and actually break sim rules, they will contact an OOC Staff Member and have them step in.
Breaking any of these results in enforcement of The Strike System, with severity deemed by the OOC Staff member at hand.
Do not wear or show, under any circumstances the following. These rules apply to every gender identity:
- Open chested shirts without an applier beneath.
- Skirts any shorter than the images above – even with tights.
- Overly mature clothes. This is case by case. We don’t want to see teenagers with BDSM related clothing, cinching corsets with excessive cleavage, etc. You are roleplaying a child.
- Sexualised corsets/bodices/cinchers are not allowed
- Offensive logos/words, logos referring to drugs, sex, alcohol etc. will be requested to be changed.
- Futuristic clothes; we are a themed roleplay and futuristic clothes do not fit.
- For those that have a penis, any visual bulges, outlines or the like must not be shown. In other words, you must be ken doll.
- Tattoos, or facial piercings on a student unless previously approved.
- Visible underwear/bras/butt crack is not allowed.
- Excessive midriff – by this we mean anything higher than the above image.
The wearing or showing of any items listed above can result in one or more Strikes, depending on severity. The items listed below are absolute, never-ever-EVER no-no’s. Wearing or showing any of these items may result in a temporary or permanent ban from our sim. Because we have child avatars on sim, we must adhere to guidelines set by Linden Labs, and the presence of the items below in our sim can risk its continued existence, which we cannot tolerate. We hope you understand.
- Genitalia (the wearing or showing of any genitalia results in an instant and permanent ban, with absolutely no exceptions)
- Anything pornographic or insinuatingly pornographic (instant perma-ban)
- Talking/interactive pregnancy bellies/talking body parts
- Drug or alcohol paraphernalia – Students should never wear, display, or roleplay these items
- Clothing that may affect someone else’s running performance. e.g. full bright/glow, particle effects, etc
On Linden Lab’s Policy on Child Avatars – 13th June 2024
Dear Mischief Managed Community,
A blanket statement regarding Linden Lab’s policies concerning child avatars and clarification on how these changes impact our community at Mischief Managed.
LL has introduced new guidelines that reinforce the existing rules against inappropriate content and behaviors involving child avatars. These include stipulations about never presenting child avatars in a nude state and ensuring they are not involved in any adult-themed activities. While these guidelines might seem new, they align closely with the strict policies Mischief Managed has always enforced.
At Mischief Managed, our commitment to providing a safe and respectful environment remains unchanged. We continue to follow Linden Labs’ Terms of Service (ToS) and our internal community rules rigorously. The recent policy update by Linden Labs does not necessitate any changes to our existing rules or the way we operate our community.
We expect all members to continue adhering to both the Linden Labs’ ToS and Mischief Managed’s rules. Given that child avatars should neither be in any state of undress nor participating in any inappropriate acts, this does not change how Mischief Managed will be enforcing the rules. We have no way of knowing or verifying this ruling on ‘modesty layers’ and will leave that in the hands of Linden Labs to either elaborate and clarify further or otherwise enforce.
A suggested free modesty layer is available in the Second Life Library:
‘Senra Jamie – Underwear’ or ‘Senra Blake – Underwear’
If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our moderation team. Let us all continue to foster a respectful and enjoyable environment for every member of Mischief Managed. Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.
Best regards,
The Mischief Managed Admin Team