Welcome to Weekly Portents, your one and only source for all things prophetic!
In Weekly Portents I, the one and only Riven Redwhisper, will be giving a special reading to let you know what to expect at Hogwarts in the coming days, weeks, months, and beyond! But that’s not all, dear reader! The cards tell me you should expect much much more in the future including personal readings to answer questions you’ve submitted, tips and tricks to improve your own Divinations game, and I even have an interview lined up with a real live seer! Yes, I know it’s been months since I first promised all these things but rest assured, they WILL happen! Eventually!
What are the Sooths saying? What are the Oracles orating? What are the augers articulating? Check in each week to find out!
Welcome, dear reader, to another exciting expedition along the great untamed river that is the future!! What awaits us in the swirling miasma just around the corner? Will it be a dark unfathomable nightmare or a soothing saccharine reverie? Get comfortable, relax, and open your mind as we discover together what awaits us!
In my last article I spoke of some terrifying visions of the future that, as of writing, have yet come to pass. It seems that one seer’s vision in particular was surprisingly not about last week’s match, as we at Portents HQ suspected. That can only mean one thing, dear reader. We have yet to reach the end of that thread on the loom of fate and that future has yet to be written. A “loose end” if you will. Keep your eyes open for broom tampering or danger in the skies relating to blue uniforms because the danger is probably real. I’ve received word that even professional quidditch teams have heard of this and are on alert as well.
With that out of the way let’s move on to today’s reading. It’s been long enough so let’s go back to the good old reliable tarot to look into our collective future. As usual I’m doing a three card spread but instead of doing the whole “past, present, future” business I decided to go with a slightly less common “situation, obstacle, and outcome” spread. Probably self explanatory but the left card will tell us the situation we’re in or will be in, the middle card is the obstacles we’re facing or will face, and the last card is either our outcome or advice that will lead us to a positive outcome.
Tonight I sit in the Divinations classroom with slivers of pale moonlight reaching in through the tall arched windows. The soft and sweet smell of ages upon ages of burned incense permeates the air and the many carpets and large curtains dampens the sound from outside. It’s calm, it’s quiet, and it’s exactly what I need.
I pull out my trusty tarot deck and begin shuffling as I ponder the murky waters of our future. As always, I find myself stopping when my heart tells me it’s time to stop and I draw three cards, placing them face down in front of me. I take a long deep breath and watch the backs of the cards a moment before turning the first one over.
The situation:
Nine of pentacles, upright
A card of wealth, success, beauty, and abundance. Interesting to see it in the “situation” position since we’re in a time of unprecedented poverty but interesting. Hard to say what it means on its own so let’s check the next.
The obstacle:
Queen of cups, upright
Even more interesting. It typically represents emotions, trust, kindness, compassion, and that sort of thing. Not necessarily fond of it being in the “obstacle” position but let’s keep going, shall we?
The outcome/lesson:
Seven of swords, reversed
Very interesting, indeed. The seven of swords usually represents lies, trickery, thievery, and that sort of thing. However, reversed usually represents a confession to those lies or having that trickery/thievery being discovered and brought to light. Could also represent regret if you’re the one guilty of the trickery.
Wow, alright then. So putting it all together I think I can see where this is going and some of it echoes back to the other vision I wrote about in my last article. The first two cards appear to be quite emotionally focused. I don’t think the nine of pentacles is talking about an abundance we have but rather an abundance we desire. We want our gold back but as of right now we can’t have it and that desire is preventing us from seeing the future clearly.
Put that with the Queen of cups and we could say that we’re being told that our compassion and trust were an obstacle that led us to the goldless situation we’re in now but I don’t think that’s it. Remember, it’s an obstacle that we are facing now or will face which makes me think that we’re being warned to stop acting emotionally without using our brains first. Be kind, be compassionate, and be you but don’t let those things blind you or prevent you from using your brain.
This leads us to our outcome. It sounds like the hidden truths will be revealed and all our questions answered but only if we follow the advice we’re given. Act smart and don’t let your emotions get the better of you because the future may depend on it.
That’s all for this week. Tune in next week for another very special edition of insightful insights and foreseeable foresights!
If you’d like a reading by our very exclusive team of expert or if you just have questions about the art of Divinations itself, please send an owl to the one and only Riven Redwhisper and all your questions shall be answered! (( https://forms.gle/ocpV9iu7C3Axp4kE9 )) Please note that your questions will be published in the article but your identity will remain a secret unless you request otherwise. My mailbox is also always open to fan-mail, feedback, admiration, awards, gifts, or anything else you’d like to send!