Saturday Study Corner 28/08 – 03/09

Defence Against the Dark Arts (All Years)Professor Vikander (GeorgeVikander Resident) 5th and 7th Years for Advanced DADA: Essay describing a time when you were unable to protect someone. All others: Three feet of parchment on ‘What are the Dark Arts’ Herbology (All Years)Professor Dracheblume (AriannavonDracheBlume Resident)Research spells and Potions that can be useful in Herbology. List as…

Weekly Round Up

Gringland Gretreats   Following a long week in Japan the International Confederation of Wizards sat to hear the case from King Ragnuk XIV that Gringland should be accepted as a legitimate state. Despite Switzerland, Gringland’s would be closest neighbour, voting to admit them as a legitimate state, the vote failed by a large margin and…

Witchy Whispers

Scintillating stories?Gorgeous gossip?Scandalous Celebrities?Witchy Whispers has it all Spain’s a sore spot Rumour and gossip has surrounded the International Confederation of Wizards and it’s been shocking to see Spain’s political U-Turn on the United Kingdom. Formerly in strong agreement with the nearby country, there’s been whispers that Spain is no longer interested in an alliance…

The Prattling Pixie

Hot gossip, celebrities at their best and worst, fashion faux pas’? The Prattling Pixie has it all The Daily Prophet and The Ministry of Magic came together to bring some positivity – and money – into people’s lives with the extravagant and elegant Casino Night being a smashing success (in more ways than one!). Despite…

Witchy Whispers

Scintillating stories?Gorgeous gossip?Scandalous Celebrities?Witchy Whispers has it all     Pest’s Petite Pursuant  Philomena Pest appears to have been sporting a rather short but attractive shadow over the last few months. Tongues have been wagging though as her fiance never seems to be seen without her, is he cursed, whipped, or merely loves to be…

Weekly Round Up

“NO” WINS!   In a phenomenal turnout of voters, the wizarding public has majority voted that they DO NOT wish to continue to negotiate with Goblinkind. This follows the explosive news that the Ministry of Magic are eventually moving forward with minting new coins. 64% of voters voted “no” though there was a unparalleled turnout…