Rumour Has It is for the sharp tongued among us, and the people who claim to deplore gossip, but secretly read it all the same.
Confessions, rumours or Questions can be given to our friendly messenger owl that loiters outside The Great Hall, he takes any messages to The Owl Post, just have a few owl nuts handy!
Those 2nd year lions weren’t talking behind someone’s back cause they were talking in the middle of the common room and not even whispering but if a first year lion would stop getting mad at everyone trying to help them maybe they’d talk and learn something.
Toby’s pun condition is apparently contagious.
Peyroux cast bombarda on a professor. That spell and attacking people must run in the family
The lions DO all have the same hair dresser. Vikander insists on doing all their hair himself.
Vikander may think the first years can’t even light their wands but he couldn’t even light his in the forbidden forest.
Everyone saw that snake try to kill Vikander right?
An older snake used the chaos they caused in DADA to bully first and second years.
A blonde snake had a meltdown today at breakfast, because a fellow snake did bombarda a Prof! Bye bye Housepoints! Who care about the Prof!
Apparently Vikander tried to take people into the forest figuring it wasn’t hard since Priaulx and Xiran had done it. It went badly. So sooo very badly!
Macauley just HAD to outdo Vikander by taking a calming draught away from a veela.
I saw that punny Lion kid picking his nose AGAIN at breakfast this morning.
Orion and Bree need to stop fighting and just get back to snogging, its clear the two miss each other.
I heard Blightly is going to feed Vikander to O’Keeffe’s banshee after that stunt he pulled in the forest.
The one prefect doesn’t do night patrols because they are afraid of what they might find in the castle after curfew.
Lion and badger spotted canoodling in the courtyard. Guess the badgers do have game
I hate to see star boy so glum. Guess he is checking into the heartbreak hotel
Those Lions have the weirdest friend dynamics. Have you seen that goth boy and the little blonde? Talk about opposites attract.
Who knew you could steal berries and feed them to birds you hide in the tower?! Lions are strange.
What is with all the sad Snakes? Not getting enough sunlight in your cave?
Did you see that tall Lion Prefect? He had the worst nose bleed. Must be from the altitude.
RHI weed control is being called into the 6th year Slytherin girls dormitories.
Being a Prefect must be a tough job. I’ve never not seen that old man Lion boy without a chronic headache.
RHI they won’t give carving tools to anyone ever again after the bloodbath one little Lion caused.
Not a rumour, but the truth: there’s an underground graffiti art group on the rise. No wall is safe.
What was with that 7th year Lion giving oogle-eyes for the Slytherin Snack Queen? What’s shakin’ there?
RHI Orion is destined to be the next divination teacher just so he can get a discount on tea (or better yet, not pay for it at all!)
Listen, the only Morrigan I wanna hear about is the professor last night. Did you all hear what he did? Came in with an axe on that whomping willow, hacking away at branches… saved like 17 students from the thing. Then personally lifted each one of them up to the wing, by himself. That man has some serious lats.
The gnomes from the pumpkin patch are angry we tried to get rid of them and are attacking.
The Great Pumpkin is very VERY angry at the mass carving incident and is seeking revenge by putting pumpkins on the heads of students who were carving into their siblings.
The Whomping Willow is the one doing the pumpkin heads. She’s going after people she can’t reach with her limbs
Got your own gossip to spread and muck to rake? Drop us an owl!