Hey hey it’s Karma TaVar, First year Ravenclaw. I was given the task to conduct interviews on the prefects to gain their insight on how it is being a prefect here at Hogwarts. I did conduct most of these interviews before Professor Green left teaching. However, there is a little update on how they like their new Head of House, Professor Osborne, or as he prefers to be known, Mason. I hope you all enjoy it!
- What do you like most about being a prefect?
Tarquin Atherton-Smythe – “Oh, being able to wander the castle at night, of course,”
Cypress Chalamet – “Being a prefect gives you the ability to care for the school on another level. If I see kids fighting for example, I can intervene more directly than I could when I wasn’t in the position. I like the idea that I can help and handle issues efficiently, rather than worry about anything falling through the cracks.”
Oleander Avarizia De Luca Mortiferum – “Well to be honest it started last year when I watched all the Prefects working hard to help people. At the time I really wasn’t very good at that so I thought if I was a prefect it would teach me to be a better person. I really like being able to set an example for others and show them you can be the best version of yourself! It’s been a little difficult getting used to night patrols but rewarding to be trusted too keep people safe you know! “
Drayan Kamus Ashworth – “Definitely quiet after curfew when doing patrols.. If I am lucky”
- Why did you become a prefect?
Tarquin Atherton-Smythe – “Rah, you don’t “become” a prefect, You’re told you’re being one, and The Goddess that is Professor Green chose me to be a prefect. You don’t say /no/ to being a prefect, yah’know?”
Cypress Chalamet – “When the position opened up, I saw it as a good opportunity to serve Ravenclaw and the school, but also to gain some experience in learning how to handle responsibility. I learned a big lesson last year and it definitely effects the way I conduct myself today. I want to set a good example for younger students.”
Oleander Avarizia De Luca Mortiferum – “I took responsibility for my mess ups, made sure I wasn’t getting into trouble, helped out a lot when I didn’t need too, and I prayed”
Drayan – “My older sister and two brothers were prefects, it was kind of, felt that it was something I should do, Also, I always wanted to leave my Mark”
- Are there any extra responsibilities?
Tarquin Atherton-Smythe – “What was that old chap? Oh, extra responsibilities? Oh yes of course, it’s not always a right old lark, yah’know? We have to patrol, tell people what to do, check uniforms, skirt lengths, all that rot.”
Cypress Chalamet – “As far as extra responsibilities go, there are a lot. Probably too many to name in an interview, but the primary duties of a prefect are to keep the peace in the school, guide younger years and to be leaders and supervisors in both official school and student-run activities.”
Oleander Avarizia De Luca Mortiferum – “ Well yeah we have to patrol and make sure you guys are all not sneaking around, make sure our own house is helped out, solve problems that might effect us and the school…uh sometimes assist the Head Boy, Head girl, and Heads of house if need be. I feel like we are mini watch doggies for the school! Oh we also can give detentions and things like that but I don’t really like giving detentions”
Drayan Kamus Ashworth – “There is, not only do we need to be responsible for the other students, primarily the ones in our House, but we are also responsible for setting up some fun events.”
- I bet there’s a close bond between the Ravenclaw Prefects, is there? And if not, why not?
Tarquin Atherton-Smythe – “Well I’ve had to spend the last four years with Oly, And Cypress doesn’t half like to stare at me. And the other chap well, we hardly see him to know him. Proper bookworm that little swot is.”
Cypress Chalamet – “Well, I can’t speak for the relationships that the others have with one another, but as for me, I’m fairly close to Oly – we’re in the Yung Meaniez together after all – Drayan and Tarquin and I have been dorm mates our whole Hogwarts career of course, being in the same year. I’m a bit closer to Drayan after some fun and games this summer. Tarquin…I try not to look at him too hard.”
Oleander Avarizia De Luca Mortiferum – “I mean I would think so! Then again I don’t really compare to the others. Cypress is very clever and he’s gotten into his trouble to understand the position. Drayan is kind of to himself but I think it’s because he has a lot to make sure he gets done because he is also older…I look up to him too. Tarquin and me have shared a dorm for ever so I think he’s closer but at the same time sort of distant! I think all of us being boys and having our own goals kinda makes us all less close. Personally I feel we all should be bestfriends but like you can’t force people to be bestfriends like that…well some one told me this last year ” he blinked and added ” but they are family so I love them all for their own ways “
Drayan Kamus Ashworth – “Some of us are, I have to confess, I am a bit of a recluse, my brother constantly goes at me for spending a lot of time in here.”
- What advice would you give the first year Ravenclaws?
Tarquin Atherton-Smythe – “Oh, this sort of tosh? Uh.. Well I would probably say don’t get on the bad side of our luscious Head of House, yah’know? She’s a right stickler for school rules and house pride.”
Cypress Chalamet – “I would advise first year Ravenclaws to mingle with the other houses to get an outside perspective on different things. I think a lot of new Ravenclaws feel like they have to live up to the ‘Wisdom and learning’ thing, and end up forgetting that your time at school is about more than just your studies. It’s about forming bonds with others and enjoying your time here just as much as it is about education.”
Oleander Avarizia De Luca Mortiferum – “Well I would say do not sweat the little things! You got 7 years to learn, develop, fail, and prepare for the real world outside of school. I think a lot of first years come in here and think they have to be good at everything and that’s not good because eventually we all fail and if you already set yourself up for perfection then when it happens…it’s a lot to handle mentally. This is why I have like no expectations about myself and what I do, then when I do really good it’s like a magical feeling!”
Drayan Kamus Ashworth – “ Be open minded, take chances, and have faith in your Professors, and know that things get easier. “
- What advice would you give to any future prefects?
Tarquin Atherton-Smythe – “Don’t put the bubbles into the prefect bath before the water,”
Cypress Chalamet – “I would advise future Prefects to definitely form good relationships with Prefects in other houses. Being able to communicate effectively between the houses keeps us all more aware of what’s going on in the school – which students are troublesome, which ones might need extra help, if so-and-so was already warned about this or that. Keeping those lines of communication open makes things a lot easier.”
Oleander Avarizia De Luca Mortiferum – “Sheesh I don’t know I just became one so I don’t think I even know yet. I guess just be there for people and not for yourself! If students don’t feel they can depend on you then what are you even a prefect for yanno?”
Drayan Kamus Ashworth – “ don’t choose friends over duties, it rarely ends well. “
- What are your plans for after you have left Hogwarts?
Tarquin Atherton-Smythe – “Rah, that’s yonks away, Why would I think about that? Probably modelling though. I think I’d be rah-ther good at it. Thanks for this pet, was jolly nice to have all the attention on me.”
Cypress Chalamet – “My long-term plan after I leave Hogwarts is to go into work at St. Mungos. Specifically I would like to eventually work as a psychologist for Wixen, as I think a lot of wixen would benefit from traditional therapy, but obviously they can’t talk to a muggle therapist. BUT! I also received a lot of preemptive offer letters from Professional Quidditch teams, so I would like to spend at least a few years as a pro player first. But I made sure to get into all of the NEWT courses I’ll need to go into healing as well.”
Oleander Avarizia De Luca Mortiferum – “I don’t have any plans. Yep I have no idea what I am going to do with my life outside of this place! Maybe travel around, eat a lot of different foods…OH maybe be a food blogger yeah!”
Drayan Kamus Ashworth – “I want to be a Curse breaker, I think it will be exactly where I want to be. “
In light of Professor Green leaving, I asked the Ravenclaw prefects to sum up what they thought of the new Head of House…. Here’s their responses:
Oleander – ” Seems like a strange man, he’s got strange tattoos. White hair….” he shrugged ” I can’t say I know a lot but he doesn’t seem like some one who could do better than Professor Green. I guess we will have to see “
Cypress – “Oz? He’s well fit, isn’t he,” he said with a flash of a grin. “I’d have liked to go to school with him. You suppose he likes blokes?” he wondered aloud. “Think I’ll ask him on a date once I’m graduated and playing pro-quidditch,” he said with a shrug. “Can’t hurt to ask. Why do you ask?”
Cypress Chalamet choked on his food when Karmaria said it was for the paper. “W-wait!” he said, pushing up from the table to try to chase after her, “Let- let me say something more professional! He – say that he’s um, he’s got lots of fresh new ideas!” he said, face bright red.
Cypress Chalamet shrugged, “Ah well, never mind,” he laughed, “If nothing else at least he’ll know that I’m interested in the future,” he said with a wink. He might never be able to look the man in the eye again, but he didn’t care all that much. “Hey all,” he said, lifting his hand in a small wave.
Tarquin – he’s hot
Deeks was unfortunately not around for a follow up interview.
So, there are more than a few people whom think that Mason is Hot. They adored Professor Green and They all have extremely differing viewpoints on being a prefect. They are all amazing guys to interview (including Tarquin to a point) and I for sure am happy to have gotten to know and interview them!