Hosted by The Ministry of Magic and The Daily Prophet, the Confederation Chambers will open for one night only for you to dress with glitz and glamour and have the chance to earn some gold

NOTE: There will be a loans desk for you to take a loan of chips with the opportunity to win back what you have loaned, and more! (Any debt accrued is not the responsibility of The Ministry of Magic)
HOWEVER! The Casino Night requires staff and entertainment.
Are you an entertainer willing to put on a glamorous show?
Are you a business wishing to have your name tied to the event and are eager to provide refreshments?
Are you polite, courteous, and not clumsy and can balance a tray in many ways?
Then The Daily Prophet would love to EMPLOY you!
Yes, Employ! Anyone who wishes to support the event with a performance, services, or as waiting on staff will receive gold in return!
Interested? Apply HERE
Date: July 17th
Time: ((OOCly 1pm-6pm)) ICly 8pm-1am
Underage wixen who are not yet graduated, and aged 15-17 may apply to be wait staff