Too much effort to find all the back copies of Witch Weekly?
Don’t worry! Catch up over a coffee with this months Witch Weekly Catch Up
Ministers in Godric’s
The International Confederation of Ministers for Magic was sadly closed to the press but their presence in our local communities was not as The International Ministers were spotted perusing Godric’s Hollow for its local lore and sights to see. Sadly we didn’t get to see any knobbly knees as apparently Godric’s Bay wasn’t on the ‘must see’ list.
Whispers at the International Minister’s Gala
As the International Confederation of Ministers for Magic came to a close the British Ministry threw together a glamorous formal affair for one last glitzy goodbye. Following on from a classic symphony selection by Emily Neutron, The Va-Va-Veelas took the stage in a surprise show which made things very awkward, who couldn’t notice their collective ex, Darragh Daly, was in the audience to receive their ire in song form!
The show wasn’t over by a long shot as the lights dimmed and what appeared to be a magical show with a message from [redacted].
After Party Fun Time with the International Minister’s
If word’s to be believed it wasn’t just talking that the foreign dignitaries did during their costly stay at The Ritz. After the Ministry Gala broke up early a fair few of the Ministers had their own personal after parties in a lot of different rooms… if you catch my meaning
Break ups, Baby Scares, and Blotto nights out
Persephone Vitrac of the Holyhead Harpies has certainly made an effort to make a name for herself after this season’s transfer window closed, finding herself splashed across the tabloids on an almost weekly basis. From the very public break up from her fiance, to dating World Renowned Quidditch Stars, and being seen carrying her one time – and apparently pregnant – guardian Saffron Macauley home after a heavy night on the town.
What will next month bring?!
Ashworths on the scrounge
In an exclusive interview the Ashworth not-twins disclosed their plans to petition the Wizengamot for funding for their venture in caring for the magical creatures of Great Britain. With all the money being poured into The Triwizard Tournament and Grexit on the horizon it’s hard to say whether they will be successful…
Rumours of an Illicit Affair Squashed with the Announcement of the TWT
Rumours have floated around the Ministry of Magic in recent months of an illicit affair between Head of the Department of Games and Sports, Lark Rosewood, and Head of the Department of International Cooperation, Ffion Driscoll. Those rumours were quite promptly squashed at the grand reopening of Hogsmeade where the duo – oft seen practically joined at the hip – announced The Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year.
Though the event explains the two women constantly being seen together it doesn’t explain why they suspiciously disappeared off together immediately after the announcement and didn’t stay for the congratulations they sorely deserve….