Ancient Runes
Professor Coal (BlueEmber13 Resident)
1) What rune system do you want to study next term
2) 3 rolls(paragraphs) what do you expect to learn in Ancient Runes
Professor Idylwild (haikun)
An essay no shorter than three feet of parchment ((OOC: three paragraphs)) on what charms and magic is. What comprises it? What is it, within you?
– Extra credit may be to write a short story revolving around the subject of charms – also three feet.
Defence Against the Dark Arts
Professor Macauley (george.mumbhata)
A three foot essay on what your worst fear is. Due next week. And I think some of you have Magical Theory
Magical Theory (All Years)
Professor Reuter (Jamie Delwood)
Reflect on the follow question and write one to two scrolls of parchment ((paragraphs)) explaining your thoughts: “Is magic part of the natural world?”
Mythology (All Years)
Professor Van der Brough (Tawny Gellner)
Mythology (all years): Homework this week is to read ahead on Aphrodite. Each of you are to write 2 feet of parchment, summarizing her as a Goddess
Transfiguration (All Years)
Professor Banks (JoannahRose Resident)
Look at the transfiguration spells for this year, which spell do you think will be the most useful for you as a wixen. Then, explain why you feel it would be the most useful. Do the same for the least useful transfiguration and explain why. This should be a minimum of two parchments ((two paragraphs)).