The infamous Viktoria Lovelace was brought to trial alongside suspected coconspirator “Ezekiel R.” for the murder of Haisley Rothenberg, and attack upon defenceless children in April of this year.
Chief Warlock Colquhoun opened the proceedings by reminding the seated court that a case of ‘wicked recklessness’ was also being brought as part of the charges as “regardless of whether the perpetrator actually had the intent to kill the victim, their action was so reckless that it showed a complete disregard for whether somebody might live or die as a consequence of their actions, which is as good as acting deliberately. This is why the charge is one of murder, and not manslaughter or simply ‘death by negligence’”
Ezekiel R. plead guilty to all charges however Lovelace proceeded to engage the court with the excuse that R had been harassing her out of her contrived places of safety until she happened to be sheltering on the outskirts of Godric’s Hollow, a heavily populated place without the addition of a busy Easter Weekend.
The Werewolf Registration Act clearly states;
All Werewolves are now banned from being in public areas during a full moon. All Werewolves are to submit to expulsion from civilization until the full moon has passed. Injury, harm or death as a result of Werewolves will result in imprisonment or execution of said Werewolf.
As the court came to a close the voting of guilty was unanimous. The vote upon the death penalty, as stipulated in the Werewolf Registration Act, was conducted anonymously.
Ezekiel R. was found guilty and sentenced to death by beheading.
Viktoria Lovelace was found guilty of a lesser charge of ‘murder as accomplice’ and was sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban without the possibility of parole.
- Saffron Foxclaw, Current Events