Welcome to Weekly Portents, your one and only source for all things prophetic!
In Weekly Portents I, the one and only Riven Redwhisper, will be giving a special reading to let you know what to expect at Hogwarts in the coming days, weeks, months, and beyond! But that’s not all, dear reader! The cards tell me you should expect much much more in the future including personal readings to answer questions you’ve submitted, tips and tricks to improve your own Divinations game, and I even have an interview lined up with a real live seer! Yes, I know it’s been months since I first promised all these things but rest assured, they WILL happen! Eventually!
What are the Sooths saying? What are the Oracles orating? What are the augers articulating? Check in each week to find out!
Hello and welcome back to your one and only source for that which has yet to be!!!
First off I’d like to congratulate Gryffindor for their victory on the pitch last weekend just as I predicted! Well, mostly predicted. Sort of, anyway.
But don’t get so used to the taste of victory yet, lions, because I’ve predicted a horrible and crushing defeat on the horizon for you lot when you face Ravenclaw in May. Yep, you heard it here folks, a totally accurate and unbiased prediction from the expert and nothing more.
Right then, let’s have a look deep into the dark murky waters of our slightly more immediate future, shall we?
Today we’ll be using scrying for our reading and just asking for a bit of insight for the days to come. Few months back I used a scrying bowl and water to ask about something or other but this time I’ll be using a scrying mirror instead. Just a flat disk of pure black obsidian or onyx or something that’s been polished all mirrory. We just stare deep into it and unfocus our eyes and all that then we should get some image or feeling or something out of it.
Tonight I’m resting at a beautiful undisclosed location overlooking the grounds with the mirror resting in my lap. After several deep breaths I hold the mirror up in front of me and gaze deep into it. At first… there’s nothing. But then my eyes unfocus and… there’s EVERYTHING!
A swirl of colours pulsing in and out kinda like when you squeeze your eyes shut way too hard. For a moment it’s an incoherent Jackson Pollock sort of mess but parts of it slowly take shape. An eye here, a nose there, a mouth… all floating independently of one another until they lock into their respective places and form a vaguely human face.
Then the blob of a face starts to shift and refine and its features come clearer and clearer. I think it’s a girl. Smiling or maybe laughing but obviously quite happy about something. I try to study her features but when I blink she’s gone and I’m once again left with the blank stone surface. Interesting.
This could be referring to someone specific but I didn’t recognise the face. Don’t think the girl was someone in particular but rather representing all of us at once. The face was kinda youthful and spring is a time of renewal and rebirth and all that so maybe it’s a seasonal thing? Dunno, could just be me but it did feel sort of springy, in some way. Maybe spring is here for good this time so get outside and enjoy ourselves before the crushing weight of exams drags us back down? Maybe but sounds like either way we can expect some joy and happiness for a bit.
Getting out and relaxing sounds like a lovely plan to me so don’t mind if I do. Thanks for the suggestion, universe!
And thank you, yes YOU, for giving this a read. Until next time, dear reader, so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!
If you’d like a reading by our very exclusive team of expert or if you just have questions about the art of Divinations itself, please send an owl to the one and only Riven Redwhisper and all your questions shall be answered! (( https://forms.gle/ocpV9iu7C3Axp4kE9 )) Please note that your questions will be published in the article but your identity will remain a secret unless you request otherwise. My mailbox is also always open to fan-mail, feedback, admiration, awards, gifts, or anything else you’d like to send!