Youngest by 13 minutes, Vivika – of the Va-Va-Veela fame – tells me.
On a cold winter’s evening, bundled up in a form fitting black cocktail dress and luxurious furs, your intrepid reporter braved the cold of Hogsmeade to head to the Crimson Fang, famed for its Bloody Marys, swinging music, and rumoured to be the favourite hangout spot of one third of the world famous Va-Va-Veela Sisters.
Standing tall at 6ft 2 Vivika is all legs with a tiny waist, and curves that any model would die for, but instead of taking her beauty into the fashion industry she, and her two ‘older’ sisters Vernice and Variety, turned their attention to music.
“From the moment we could speak we could harmonize like no other. It was a passion, a calling, something we could not turn away from and our gift was nurtured whilst we were at Beauxbatons.”
At only 22 years old the level of fame these three young women have achieved is unimaginable, and so are the broken hearts they’ve left behind. Most recently Vivika has found herself splashed across the headlines thanks to the rekindled romance between herself and the Ireland Quidditch Legend Darragh Daly.
Not one to shy away from the tabloids, the two were first seen together in early summer this year. Toted as a publicity stunt – for Mister Daly had been linked to Vivika’s other triplet sisters – their relationship fizzled when Persephone Vitrac of the Holyhead Harpies cobbed her way onto the quidditch scene and checked the delicious Darragh Daly from Vivika’s hands. (cobbing: excessive use of elbows; checking: intercepting the quaffle when the opposing team is making a pass, for our less Quidditch-inclined readers).
Coyness was not a word I would ever thought to describe one of the Va-Va-Veelas as, their risque wardrobe choices have almost gained them equal notoriety as their voices have. But that is what Miss Vivika is, coy, her pretty face seems to light up at the mention of the Ireland beater, despite rumours recently surfacing that their tryst is no more as Miss Vitrac has found herself back on the scene.
“What Darragh and I have is truly special,” she told your dear reporter. “The rumours are all just things our publicists send out, behind it all he’s a truly kind and loving gentleman; not the playboy he’s made out to be.”
Surprised? Your darling writer certainly was. When pressed about the latest rumour that they’re newly broken up – again – she proceeded to flash a very large diamond ring under my nose. According to Vivika the 4 carat diamond was a special birthday gift that Daly gave to her in an exclusive restaurant in the hills of Tuscany.
“It was so romantic, there was oysters, lobster, caviar. And then in the moonlight, over the last melting wax of the candle he opened the velvet box..”
I hastened to bring up the most recent round of Witchy Whispers, curious as to her take on why her (apparent) fiancé would be seen around a frequent fling but she assured me it was just ‘last goodbyes before the big day’.
Moving on to slightly less salacious rumour and gossip, I brought up The Triwizard Tournament with the Beauxbatons alumnus.
“Of course I am supporting little Cardan Duarte. She was so tiny when I was leaving school and she’s grown to be everything Beauxbatons holds true. She will do incredibly, representing us!”
And though our darling Miss Vivika wouldn’t confirm if rumours were true, that The Va-Va-Veelas would be performing at The Hogwarts Yule Ball, she didn’t deny it either. And if the smile on her wicked little face is anything to go by, Hogwarts is definitely in for a treat this coming Saturday!
– Saffron Foxclaw