Hello, lovely Whisperers. It is I, your beloved Euphegenia Whittlesnat, here with all the juicy whispers you’ve sent in for me to chatter on about. Some of these I received several whispered papers from you all about. So, shall we get started?
Affair: Illicit or Allowed?
The first whisper, which I have received several about from all of you lovelies out there, is a bit of a celebrity scandal. APPARENTLY, the newest member of the Holyhead Harpies, Persephone Vitrac, has been seen out and about on the town with someone who is not her fiance! I must say, one can’t really blame her though, as the arm she’s been seen on is fellow quidditch player, the gorgeous Darragh Daly. From how cozy they were seen to be, it’s not just friendship or a professional meeting between the two. In fact, it seems the Irish Playboy has another conquest in his grasp. I was just chatting about him to someone the other day, shame he’d never look towards a much more… mature, woman such as I. Ah well, one can dream! Let’s just hope this doesn’t end badly for the engagement.
The engagement ring has apparently lost it’s shine for newly signed Holyhead Harpy, Persephone Vitrac! The up and coming quidditch queen has been busy making a name for herself in the news by being seen cavorting with Ireland’s own Lover Legend Darragh Daly. The young witch hasn’t even been keeping it on the quiet as she was spotted hiding amongst the building works of Hogsmeade, cosying up with the star.
Godric’s Gentrified?
Next in my whispers is some interesting news on the vacation and IT spots among the younger set of wixen. Brighton Beach has lost its appeal and now many are heading to Godric’s Hollow, of all places. Some of my whisperers wonder if this is due to the attacks on the pier last year and wixen locals in the historic town have been talking about how many young folk are heading to the edges of Godric’s for wild parties. Time will tell if these parties keep going or if locals will try to put an end to them for a bit of peace. Can’t say I’d really blame them if they got too loud. I do enjoy my quiet.
Godric’s Hollow is apparently on the up and up with many young wixen flooding to the area and snapping up the spacious and affordable homes. Locals to the village have complained about the amount of magical folk on the street heading to the outskirts for party after party. Is it the new Wipster location to be before it was cool? Only time will tell
Money makes the world go around
Oh, this is a lovely whisper. It seems the Ministry may be putting on the Ritz. Word is about that the fanciest of muggle hotels has been scouted for an International Confederation. I guess none of OUR hotels were fancy enough for them! It sure does explain where all our taxes have been going of late with all the stops being pulled out for the incoming luminaries! Shame I wasn’t invited, I could show them a thing or three about being ritzy.
If word is to be believed The Ritz is being scouted for the International Confederation. The Ministry of Magic is pulling out all the stops to show off to their international counterparts and with the whole Ministry involved in planning it’s no wonder that there’s word of an increase in tax to pay for the affair!
Good Golly French Folly
This last whisper explains so much. We’ve ALL been wondering why it’s been taking so long to repair our beloved Hogsmeade after the fire in April. We’re wixen after all it should have been fixed like, well, magic! But from what these whispers say, the head of the Department for Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, Mr. Wartooth, keeps going off to the south of France for some reason. Some say he may have a nice piece of something waiting for him in a house there that has kept him from his job. Oooh la la. Maybe he should bring her, or him, no judging there, up to London.
It’s no wonder the repairs to Hogsmeade have taken so long when apparently Mr. Wartooth of the Department for Magical Accidents and Catastrophes keeps taking so many out of office sojourns. Apparently he has a nice little house in the south of France to keep him away from work!