Green. The colour of the shamrock. The colour of Ireland. And also, incidentally, the colour of your reporters dress in special preparation for this interview. Figure hugging and flattering in just the right places this speciality one off gown from Twilfitt and Tatting’s was well appreciated by the subject of this reporter’s focus on this sunny morning.
The handsome catch that is Darragh Daly was no less breathtaking face to face than from hundreds of feet apart from the Top Box at The Quidditch World Cup, the only difference is he exchanged his beater’s bat for some ice cream. Dressed impeccably, his infamous beard was nothing short of iconic in its uniqueness that only serves to add to the amount of looks Daly draws on a regular basis.
Despite the loss of the Quidditch World Cup to England in the summer of 2026, Daly’s self assured nature did not take a hit as he acknowledged the excellent match that England fought.
“Of course, you win some and you lose some. While many others might have been discouraged to keep playing I’ll just say…I’m in it for the long haul and you better be ready to cheer for us, and for me, again in the coming years.”
I assured Daly that if Ireland found their way to the top again he’d be sure to spot myself cheering in the Top Box again.
Earlier in the month Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry hosted a job fair, welcoming entrepreneurs, department heads, and yours truly – to name a few – into their Great Hall. The Department for the Regulation of Magical Games and Sports added some extra magic by offering a raffle for the students to win the chance to meet famous Quidditch stars, with Ireland’s Darragh Daly being one of them. One “lucky lad” got an hour with Daly to ask questions, have pictures, play a bit of quidditch together and even had the luck of a rare trading card to take back to the castle with him. When pressed about further charity work Daly assured me, dear readers, that charity was close to his heart;
“I make donations where I can. However, I do prefer to do more than just throw money around. My preference is to make appearances which tends to draw more patrons just from that alone. Sport related charity is, of course, my ideal.”
To call Darragh Daly cocky would be the wildest understatement this reporter has ever made, but it would also be a disservice to the talented Quidditch star who, if reports from our gossip columns are to be believed, is never far from a fan or a paramore.
“I do find myself, yes, with many women in my fan base. But what can I say? With a face and body like this, it comes with the territory. But I enjoy it. It keeps me going…in many ways.”
Despite his constant string of ‘lovers’ he has yet to find the special, though that is not to say he is not looking. Fear not, however, your delicious writer was reassured in the fact there is far more beneath ‘the face and body’ of Darragh Daly,;
“There’s no shame in being confident in yourself. I worked for what I got and that’s a lot more than others can say. I’ve often felt that those who are most critical of me are really just a tad bit jealous. Regardless; at home, on the pitch, or in the streets, I am my genuine self. It’s not like I’m running around staring in the mirror all day but I do value the art of caring for your body and ensuring you are at your peak.”
And finally, yes the question you have all been thirsting for, will Mister Darragh Daly be featured in the rumoured Quidditch Star Calendar for 2028? Well a rumour is just that, a rumour. However if there were a calendar in the works for Mr Daly to show off his broomstick you can rest assured that yes, he would be present in it.
– Saffron Foxclaw