O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
Et cetera, et cetera.
Basically the Mandrakes have been found… Well, not necessarily found.
Today we received a message from Professor Damon informing us that the stolen Mandrakes have been returned anonymously. Aside from a little dehydration, they are none the worse for wear.
But a question remains: who did it?
In the long-standing Hogwarts tradition, wrongdoing will not go unpunished. Professors Fischer, Damon, and von Dracheblume are still intent on finding the identity of the culprit or culprits unknown and continue to request that anyone with any information as to their identity comes forward. Ideally, though, you’d be wanting to speak to one of the latter – Fischer may not react too kindly – especially of you’re looking for some leniency.
There may even be a reward.
But for now we can all rest easy and earmuff-free knowing that the Mandrakes are finally back where they belong.