by Saffron Foxclaw
A more subdued and demure reporter has roamed the halls these past few days, searching for each of the Ravenclaws victimised in the spate of attacks over the last months.
Your own reporter – classically dressed in wool trousers and a thick jumper – was the most recent victim as Misses Arcand, Pearl, and Squeegee found her unconscious and bleeding at the bottom of Ravenclaw tower. What could have been attributed to a freak accident, a clumsy slip on the winding stairs, was not so as the flaming letters of “T.B.H.S” were found hovering over her as the perpetrator fled the scene.
Rumours flew around Hogwarts that the infamous S.E.R.P.E.N had the audacity to try and off the new editor of the Owl Post (and a Ravenclaw prefect) as part of a revenge attack at the Owl Post’s refusal to publish their ‘articles’.
Apparently not, as the case may be, however your ever loquacious reporter has noted some small… inconsistencies in these attacks. Curious? Read on!
End of the week, a cold and snowy Friday and your reporter has her scarf thrown casually around her shoulders, effortlessly chic as she utilises a small charm to grab the attention of Miss Essa Nazari and Sila. Following the briefest of chit chats your reporter dove in for the juicy details asking the when, where and what’s of the events that led up to Miss Nazari’s poisoning and how she felt that Ravenclaws were being attacked.
The nerves are obvious as Essa tells me;
“[The poisoning] Happened a week or so before Halloween. Here in the great hall. One of the house elves was trying to give me a goblet of water for my headache that I was having.”
She then continued by saying she noticed a greenish hue to the water making her question its safety. She made an important point that despite the attacks ceasing for now, friendship is what got her through. Despite inter-house rivalry, at this time of fear and paranoia, protection of each other and maintaining those bonds will strengthen the resolve to bring the perpetrators to justice.
Never drama free within the walls of Hogwarts I pressed the two girls for their theories on why only Ravenclaws were being attacked
Sila suggested that “maybe only the people who have stood up against someone” are getting attacked, but what could the common denominator be between us all apart from our house?
With a distant look in her dark eyes, Essa hinted that maybe more than one person is behind these attacks. S.E.R.P.E.N and T.B.H.S working together maybe? An enticing argument made, especially considering the very different modus operandi with each attack.
Your reporter moved on, another day, another interview. Finding her rescuer Miss Lyra Arcand loitering at the bottom of the Grand Staircase (surely not a safe spot?), your reporter, looking ever perfect in her well fitted uniform, took a moment to address the rumours that Lyra and Miss Cybil Deverill had also been attacked.
Despite a less than warm welcome, Lyra opened up to the chat quite swiftly.
“Right there on the stairs. George and Cybil were helping me because I was sick at the time from the full moon, and suddenly her and I got beaned by the poster.”
Apparently a mysterious cloaked figure was spotted leaving the scene, disturbing similarities between this attack and the attack on your reporter. What could have been an accident, but was not.
Lyra herself admitted she tried to trap S.E.R.P.E.N, naming herself as the one who placed the posters up in the dorms. Yet, the trap lay empty, with Lyra and myself no closer to discovering the truth behind these attacks.
Unable to get any sensical comment from a tired and confused looking Miss Aryiana Novelli regarding her attack, your reporter moved on.
The final interview is with one Emily Neutron. Your reporter has an ethereal glow about her as she begins the discussion, no not an allusion to her rumoured Veela blood line but due to the bubble head charm she has expertly placed to avoid the dratted Pygmy Virus.
Your reporter was present at the time of Emily’s attack, albeit mildly distracted, so the how and the where need not further discussion.
Last Hogsmeade weekend Emily was brought a drink by one of the Three Broomstick’s bar staff. More than just Butterbeer was in that mug and it didn’t stay in mug nor stomach.
Emily told this reporter that she had a few suspicions as to the identity of the attacker but nothing concrete.
Amidst squeaks and sniffles she did have an idea what T.B.H.S may stand for
“And there’s this other acronym, now, ‘T.B.H.S’ -with the black hat. ‘The Black Hat Society’ perhaps? Could it be that simple a thing?”
An interesting theory for sure, but could it also mean Terribly Bad Hogwarts Students? The Big Hairy Slytherin? Or even Taunting Bookworms; Help Slytherins? Emily also feels that maybe more than one person is involved to leave us all guessing.
Following two poisonings and four physical attacks this reporter is left with more questions than answers. Is it one culprit? Two working together or separately? Are the methods different to throw investigators off the scent or a deliberate ruse?
Anyone with information should feel able to approach their head of house or myself in the knowledge their identity will be protected if the so wish
Keep your friends close and eyes open, be wary of anything suspicious and keep your wand on your person at all times.
Until next time.