by Isabelle Kenson and Kora Ronscroft.
Isabelle’s Perspective; I was coming upstairs from the dungeons, on the way to the library, when I heard some yelling. Didn’t think much of it and decided to pet the cat on the staircase when I smelled smoke and heard students yelling. There was total chaos and I thought to myself, “Oh finally some action.” Then I saw that an elf and a first year Slytherin who were on fire.
The girl’s name is Ava Abbott and she was pretty badly burned, Kora Ronscroft and I brought her to the medical ward, it didn’t look too good. I got an interview with her, she is fine now, just she doesn’t remember much.
I asked her if she remembered who was around or the elves involved and she replied “No.. I’m sorry”
Later that day I found one of the witnesses in the Great Hall at lunch, Karina Rodriguez. Karina didn’t seem to care that the girl was even hurt, when asked if she helped the girl she said, “And… I didn’t exactly help… but other people did. Think she ran for the courtyard.”
What kind of soulless being could not care that a girl was on fire? She cared more about the elves, that were the reason that poor Ava was on fire, than Ava herself. She also was not cooperating with questions, being rude to me and didn’t really care for the topic, and was almost proud that the whole situation happened.
Her final statements were said with a grin “I know a first year got harmed… some fire involved… by the elves. But I’m sure if you already interviewed other people, you would know all this?”
But for all those who want to know what really happened; The elves were fighting about sugar in the dinner and the female elf set her brother on fire. There was tons of chaos and Ava was set on fire. There was more fighting and spells being cast all round.
Kora’s Perspective; Sooo I was walking down the glorious stairs – of course nearly tripping.I would have continued my studying and not nearly stumbled down those stairs if it had not been for that awful screaming! I asked the remarkable Headmistress herself if she had done the same, noticing her by the stairs – but apparently not. As The Headmistress walked on two elves came along shortly after her departure.
One of them yelling at the other for mistaking sugar for salt – but as the night turned we found out something else. If I had not been for the yelling of the infamous woman, then I could have put a blind eye to it all, well….maybe. After taking to Ava to the wing with Isabella, I decided that I would find out more, well only so I could get something for the Owl Post.
We all know the name; Zimelda Zemeckis – actually I’m partly afraid to write it however news must be written. Right, back onto the story. So, these two house elves let it slip that one of their mistresses is Zemeckis. Something that both Essa Nazari and Lyra Arcand had something to say about; the two confronting Beastie and Lavender about this – so I decided to ask the two Ravenclaws.
First I asked Lyra why the elves ran and she responded with; “they could just be afraid considering reactions to who their owner was.” So I went on to ask if it was Zemeckis who they were afraid of – Lyra replied, “no, afraid of other people’s reactions. But I don’t know, it could just be an act. There’s no way to tell and it’s probably a waste of time to bother with unless something further happens.”
After having a chat with Lyra, I went on to find Essa and asked why she attempted to stop the elves. Her response; “they said Zemekis was their mistress. And she is bad news. For everyone.” Clearly the name of the dark-witch raised suspicions. I asked Essa if she thought the elves may be spies, however her response proved otherwise, “dunno. Professor Wibault said they were loyal to the school so I’m gonna hafta believe her.”
Which leads onto the next part of the story and finding more about these two elves.
I was in the hall chatting to the Editor of the Owl Post, none other than Saffron Foxclaw [editor’s note: looking resplendent as ever]. Explaining to her about the madness that went down near the grand stairs – also that she, being the Editor, would like to know. Talking in a hall would of course get people interested; that’s when Professor Wilbault came along to speak about it with us.
Professor Wilbault reassured me that Zimelda Zemeckis fled the school last year. Also the fact that she never gave Beastie nor Lavender an article of clothing, so they are still bound and loyal to the school.
Professor Wilbault also went on to explain that they also belong to the Headmistress. If she tells them to not harm us, or to not spy or anything else, it’s their duty to listen – it’s their order and if they were to go against it, then they would not be in the castle.
We can see here that yes, Lavender and Beastie were working for Zemeckis, but there’s nothing to tell us to be afraid of them, or that they have other intentions. Here myself and Alice have written the tale of what happened that evening, told you the facts and opinions of many. We can sleep well as a reminder we are under protection from the darkness outside, that although strange things happen inside and out, there’s nothing to fear.