Rumour Has It is for the sharp tongued among us, and the people who claim to deplore gossip, but secretly read it all the same.
Confessions, rumours or Questions can be given to our friendly messenger owl that loiters outside The Great Hall, he takes any messages to The Owl Post, just have a few owl nuts handy!
I heard Macauley skipped town the moment the basilisk news broke and that’s why his classes have been cancelled… how are we supposed to defend ourselves if the bloke that’s supposed to be teaching us aint around?
I swear I aint crazy! I saw it- at the last DADA class everyone was taught how to do the patronus spell by Vikander! His patronus was a bloody /otter/!!!! AN OTTER!
I heard Mewling Milly passed out when she heard the news…
Did you see how cold some of the Slytherins look? I swear I saw Peyroux’ pet laugh at the assembly. I know he was annoying, but come on.
Mate those DMLE folks are *weird*. I saw one of them wandering around with a rubber chicken and another snickering behind a corner..
Did you see the DRCMC workers looking for the basilisk? Fat lot of help they’ve been recently. Professor Morrigan was petrified for over a week!
I heard that Charms was held in the courtyard because the old [redacted] wanted to use us as bait for the basilisk! What a cruel man!
The little [redacted] hated him. Just hated him. And I heard that she lured him there.
The Gryffindor Millie practically lives on the pitch. I see her out there more than the quaffle!
Guess it’s a good thing a certain Huffle Prefect is Right Handed, Anyone else see that splinch?! Ow!
Rumour Has It Billings carries 50 spiders around at all times.
Anyone know what got all the owls to like straight up flee the owlery today? I’m pretty sure I saw Mr. Tempie leading the charge.
The cute little bassist was seen HOLDING HANDS (?!?!?!) with the giant fourth year demon prince from Gryffindor. And here I was thinking we were supposed to save the devils, not join them?
Got your own gossip to spread and muck to rake? Drop us an owl!