Welcome back, dear reader, to Weekly Portents!
It has been far far far too long and how I’ve missed each and every one of you so very much! For those fresh faced firsties just joining us or any other new readers I’ve picked up this year, Weekly Portents is your one and only source for all things yet to be! Join me each week as we use the limitless power of Divinations to glimpse into the dense miasma that is our future!
That’s not all, dear reader! My divine insight tells me you can expect much more including personal readings for your own, reader submitted, dilemmas, tips and tricks to improve your own Divinations game, and an interview with a real, live, seer! Alright, yes. I bloody know. I promised all this extra junk last year but never got round to it but this year will be totally different, I promise!
So, with that out of the way let’s get on with this week’s reading. First reading of the year’s a big one so reckon I’ll do exactly what I did last year and start us off with what I’m most comfortable with. Good old fashioned tarot. True, tarot is actually not so old-fashioned compared to many other forms of Divs but it’s respectable and gives us a solid base for the year to come.
Much as I did just barely over a year ago today, I’ll be seeking some insight or guidance on the entire year to come using a simple three card spread. Our first card will represent the past; things that have already happened but are still relevant in the here and now. The second, middle, card will represent the present, ie; challenges we are facing, warnings to heed and so on happening as we speak. The third card will represent the future, what to watch for or what our outcome might be.
But my returning readers will recall that I choose a new and exciting venue for each of my articles. Of course, that part’s mostly for me since you lot can’t literally join me but I do my best to paint a fancy word picture and all that. Tonight, I’m in some forgotten recess of the castle just barely shielded from the heavy rain and wind. It’s a full moon tonight so even through the rain and clouds, my surroundings are bathed in pale white moonlight. Well, it’s a full moon as I’m writing this. Won’t be by the time you get around to reading it but whatever. Point is I’m doing this reading all spooky-like and lit by the full-moon and there’s probably wolves howling off in the distance or whatever. Use your imagination.
Let’s get on with it then, shall we? As always, I shuffle the cards. I shuffle and shuffle and shuffle until my heart tells me it’s time to stop then lay out three cards in front of me, face down. I take a long deep breath, focusing my energy on the left-hand card, representing the past. I flip it and…
Knight of Cups – Reversed
The knight of Cups is a card that’s all about creativity or imagination but with a romantic twist. It’s a literal knight in shining armour riding a white horse, after all. Upright the card tends to be very positive or uplifting but reversed it could be a warning that our creativity or imagination have run a bit wild and to reign them in a bit. It may also represent disappointment or frustration in our past pursuits.
What sort of disappointments from our past are the cards referring to? Perhaps our next card will give us a little context
I flip the middle card, representing the present,
Page of Pentacles – Upright
Ah yes I see…
The Page is a deliverer of messages, often good news! That news is typically that our goals, challenges, and etc are all going according to plan or that new challenges are facing us. However, seeing as it’s in the ‘present’ position I believe it is representing the many new possibilities and opportunities appearing as we settle into the school year.
That just leaves us with our third card. The entire reason we’re here. The future!
Ace of Swords – Upright
Oh interesting!
Another very positive card, this one featuring a sword stretched toward the heavens. The future is looking rather bright, it seems.
The Ace of Swords often represents progress, successes, or breakthroughs to something that has been causing us difficulty. It cuts through the new challenges presented us by the Page but can also mean new challenges in of itself. It can also represent changes, typically positive, or a need to use sharp wit or intellect to achieve our goals.
So in putting all this together what do we see?
Our reading was specifically about this coming school year so the Knight reminds us to be wary of our past difficulties or struggles. Could mean academically, perhaps with our spellwork, or even somewhere else. We’ve certainly all faced that struggle and desire to be better when we see one of the older students showing off their fancy spells. Reckon that the Page is telling us that we will get our chances but don’t allow envy for what we can’t do yet let us lose sight of the opportunities presented to us right now. This then leads straight into the Ace who tells us not to be afraid of swinging that sword and cutting through the challenges since they’ll lead us only to a brighter future and new, more interesting, opportunities to come.
That’s quite a bit more simple than I’d expect from Divinations, honest. This sort of thing can be really quite cryptic and full of all sorts of doom-and-gloom but seems we’re being told, quite sensibly, to focus on what we have right here and now. Don’t be afraid to take chances and grab those opportunities while you can and treat those cool advanced spells you see the seventh years doing as something to strive for rather than getting frustrated about what you can’t do just yet.
Sounds pretty reasonable to me. Well, that’s all for this week, dear readers. Until we meet again in… the future!!!
– Riven Redwhisper