Welcome to Weekly Portents, your one and only source for all things prophetic! In Weekly Portents I, the one and only Riven Redwhisper, will be giving a special reading to let you know what to expect at Hogwarts in the coming days, weeks, months, and beyond! But that’s not all, dear reader! The cards tell me you should expect much much more in the future including personal readings to answer questions you’ve submitted, tips and tricks to improve your own Divinations game, and I even have an interview lined up with a real live seer!
What are the Sooths saying? What are the Oracles orating? What are the augers articulating? Check in each week to find out!
Welcome to another exciting and mystifying Thursday at Hogwarts and another week of important portents.
It’s the start of a brand new month so it seems only pertinent that we ask what we’ll be seeing in the coming October and since it’s the spookiest month of the year I’ve decided to ask what terrifying, nightmarish, and ghoulish terrors await us!
Get nice and comfortable, clear your mind, and take a few deep breaths to prepare yourself for our journey into the future!
In my hands is a small satchel made of stiff and cracked aged leather. Within are a set of wooden runes ancient beyond time itself and said to be carved straight from the almighty Yggdrasil! This particular set of runes are a relic thought lost forever until, by chance or perhaps by fate, they entered into my possession.
Unfortunately, reading runes are not my forte but I’m thankful to have a proper expert on the subject joining me today! No, I’m not referring to our resident ancient runes professor (who is teaching runes these days, anyway?) but rather a super secret specialist on the topic who will remain anonymous. However, we have to call them something for the purposes of our article so we’ll refer to them as Kamie Joslarević.
After getting a brief overview on all the runes and their meaning I’m promised a cheat sheet which will be good since I’ve almost immediately forgotten everything I’ve learned. Thankfully there’s only twenty something of them so I’m hoping it’ll be easier to remember than all seventy eight tarot cards.
With my rigorous training session out of the way, it’s time for the actual reading but how are we going to do this? How does a reading with runes work? Well, there are several ways. You can just pull some runes from the bag and see what you get or you can line them up in a spread and flip them over, same as tarot. However, tonight we’ll be doing something far more energetic and kinetic. I’ll be casting the runes onto the floor and our reading will be based on which ones land face up.
The runes themselves have a surprising weight to them for being so small. I can only assume that’s because they’re carrying the future itself which is, indeed, a heavy burden. With my hands cupped around them, I give the runes a shake before tossing them to the floor.
We have six! And they seem to be in a pattern, or so I’m told. Not sure if I see it, personally.
The first position represents The Issue that we’re facing and there we find Uruz, which represents strength or power.
Next is The Past and we see Ehwaz. This is the rune of movement, harmony, and teamwork.
In The Present is Algiz which is a rune of protection or guidance
The Future gives us Othala which represents home and family, both literal and metaphorical.
Next we’re given The Challenge with the rune Thurisaz, meaning change, conflict, or destruction.
Lastly is The Outcome where we see Perthro which represents our destiny or fate.
What can we make of all this? Well, Uruz in this position most likely represents the balance of power. Seems we’re currently facing some imbalance, maybe in our vaults at Gringotts but perhaps the imbalance lies elsewhere. In the past we see the dire need for harmony and teamwork which at this moment is being protected but will, perhaps soon, be in jeopardy. Othala is telling us to keep those bonds and people you rely on for that teamwork close in the future. Don’t let them slip from your grasp and don’t let those bonds fail because we’re facing some chaos or disaster or conflict. Whatever change Thurisaz is referring to doesn’t necessarily have to be bad, necessarily, but doesn’t sound like a very fun time to me, especially considering my question was “what terrors await us this month?” All that leads us to the outcome which is just telling us that no matter what happens, where we find ourselves at the end is where we’re meant to be. Kind of anticlimactic if you ask me but suppose it could be worse.
In short, lots of change and conflict on the horizon but keep your friends close and work together to pull through. Sounds about like my first tarot reading for the Post a month ago, actually. I’m starting to see a pattern with these readings.
Anyway, that’s all for this week. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you again in the future!
If you have a question you’d like answered in Weekly Portents please send a self addressed stamped owl ((notecard)) to Riven Redwhisper ((luka5555 resident)). Your identity will remain anonymous unless you specifically request otherwise. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee the results of these readings and we also regret that we may be unable to answer everyone’s questions every week. Rest assured, however, that we’ll do everything in our power to answer as many people as we can as accurately as we can.