Timocleia Gwilym
First Year
I suppose people liked the first one of these that I did for Owl Club, so Owl Club asked me to do some more of them. I saw Professor Keene in the Great Hall one night late at dinner, so I asked her if I could ask her questions and she said yes. I forgot to make the list of questions, so I just asked her stuff. English people can talk fast and have strange accents, but Irish people talk fast too and have stranger accents. So if I did not hear something right, sorry Professor. And everyone.
P.S. I still think there need to be more owls at Owl Club. Wobble agrees with me. We talk about it a lot.
Professor Reagan Keene
What is your first name?
She said her name is Reagan, and in Irish that means ‘little ruler,’ but that sounds like a weird thing to call someone, because most rulers are the same size. She said her father wanted her to be a leader, but then he cast a jinx on her and now she likes to help and not lead. I do not understand why he would do that to her. It seems mean.
Where are you from? Are you from Ireland?
Her parents were Irish. Maybe they are gone now. She was born in London, over something called Islington. I wonder if that might be an underground island somewhere. I should have asked her about that.
You teach Flying, of course. Do you teach anything else?
She did classes when she was on teams, but she did not say what she taught. She teaches flying here, but nothing else. She said that she wanted to teach flying when she heard the positions open up. I wonder what kind of sound that is.
What is your favourite sweet?
Shock-Chocs are her favourite. She first tried them in Hogsmeade. Until now. And she asked if I was talking to all the Professors, so I told her I was talking to all the new Professors and other people at Hogwarts. But I have never had Shock-Chocs, so I asked her:
What do you like about them?
Shock-o-Chocs are the mixture of stuff she loves in sweets. They have some bits of zing in them, and chocolate too. I tried to find out what bits of zing were, but I could not find that in my English-Welsh Dictionary. But maybe that is a Wizarding thing, because my dictionary was written by Muggles. But she would always wait until after practice to go to have them. She did not say where she would go to have them, however. Maybe Hogsmeade.
What did you do before you were at Hogwarts?
Professor Keene says she was Keeper for the Irish National Team, which of course is very important. This was also Professor O’Rourke’s team, when he played. She used to have posters of him in her dormitory room when she was a student here. And the other players too. She said she was surprised she went the same with him.
How fast can you fly? Did you ever fly so fast that your broom flew apart?
She said she was not sure, and she really had to think about it first. She said she has broken fifty brooms playing Quidditch, even when she was a student here. I had not realized so many brooms would get broken, so I asked her:
What happens when you break a broom? Do you crash and die?
She said she never died. But she would have to pay for another broom. And her Mum would send her an angry letter. She did not say if she ever got Howlers. She was wearing a lot of black. Professor Keene wears black a lot. So I asked her:
What is your favourite colour? Is it black?
She said it is red. But yellow is second. I remembered that the other Professor also said red, but said she was not a Gryffindor. But Professor Keene did not say that, so I asked her:
Were you a Gryffindor at Hogwarts, then?
And she said she was a proud Hufflepuff Aluminium. Or something like that. It sounded like that.
Is it weird to be back at Hogwarts? Because you are not a student anymore?
She said yes, because the staff have new faces. But at least the ghosts and portraits have not changed. Also the best way to get to the kitchens is the same. She said coming back has been great. Do the staff really change their faces? I have never heard of witches and wizards doing that. How often do they do that? I forgot to ask her about that.
How do you feel about Detentions?
She said that if she has to give them, then she will. But she wants to try having other news first. I might have misheard that. Because I am not sure what she meant by that.
Do you have anything you want to say to the students of Hogwarts?
She said to probably always try your best, and don’t give up, even on pain. She got a lot of scars when she started in Quidditch. So the lesson is that Quidditch hurts and gives you scars, but don’t give up on the pain. Probably.
Do you have a pet?
She doesn’t have pets, but she does have plants. Which isn’t the same thing. Though I suppose for some people it kind of is, because some people talk to their plants. But they are very weird. I did not ask if Professor Keene talks to her plants, but maybe I should have, because then we would all know if she is very weird.