by E. Nazari
As nail biting as the first task was, the second task, perhaps, was even more so. The Champions had to face a challenge that not only tested their magical skills but also the fortitude of their hearts and their minds.
The Champions had to brave the waters of The Black Lake. In February. With the temperatures well below freezing, each champion – Elliott Reid, Cardan Duarte, and Lars Stangeland – had to face the icy depths of the Lake. They were given a riddle to serve as a hint as to what they would face. I was able to get access to it from Hogwarts second, Emily Neutron.
“Brave the depths and search below
And find us where one ought not go
Then clutch the verdant vessel tight
In the land of Neverlight
A midsummer hour is all you possess
To look, to listen, to do your best
But Remember mortal, no more take
Or become those that dream but do not wake…”
Being given so little to go on [Editor’s Note: Or a lot and actually just a complex riddle] the Champions prepared memory potions, clinging to the concept that they would have to remember something.
Stangeland used a magical scuba diving mask. Reid used the bubble head charm paired up with the impervius charm to make him basically water proof and immune to the temperature of the lake. While Duarte used a combination of gillyweed (which allowed her to grow gills and fins to breathe underwater for about an hour) and then a creatively paired combination of transfigurations. She conjured birds using Avis and then transfigured one of the birds into a shark to ride upon.
The first part of the task was simple (to a degree) swim through the kelp of the Lake. Kelp is not a friendly plant to begin with but on the day of the second task, the kelp seemed to be less mundane and more magical in nature than normal. It seemed, to those of us who were watching the task that it would reach out and snag the Champions and if they struggled the kelp would twist tighter around their leg or arm. The Champions mastered the kelp swimmingly, though, using magic to slice through the plant. As any good student of Professor Vikander would know, grindylow love to live in the kelp for their protection, safety, and ease to get an easy meal once in a while. It was good to see that the Champions paid attention to their lessons and used several defensive spells to combat these creatures. Stangeland and Duarte seemed to team up for this portion and offered assistance to each other, leaving Reid behind to fight off the remaining grindylows.
The next part of the task involved merfolk. It seems Stangeland knew little of merfolk-culture and attempted to blast his way past them. That very action was an insult to the dignified culture that is found under the waters. It is pointed out that the best way to deal with merfolks is to be polite to them. Make your requests respectfully and if possible, present them with some sort of gift – the shinier the better. Reid demonstrated this method perfectly, making up for lost time after the grindylow situation. He asked for permission to enter the caves and was granted it.
Once he entered the caves, he was in the Lethe Waters. This is very important information because this was where the task to Remember came in. These waters would slowly leach away your memories if there were no precautions taken. Every Champion involved took a memory potion to retain their memories [at the start]. They had to carefully travel through the corridors of the caverns. Seeking the item that was lost to them; a person who was close to them.
But, the ministry decided to throw a twist into this year’s second task. This threw EVERYONE for a loop. The audience. [Editor’s Note: some of] The judges. The Champions themselves. They had to physically decide if a hint was worth the life of a loved one. This took a moment it seemed, for the Champions to realise what was being asked of them. There were several tense moments as the audience agonised over what they would choose. Thankfully what was stolen was returned. The Champions made the decision to forsake the hints of what the final task might hold to save the lives of their loved ones. And in that moment, I think everyone in the audience released a collective breath that no one knew they were holding.
Second Task Results
Elliott for Hogwarts with 39
Cardan for Beauxbatons with 38
Lars for Durmstrang with 36
Tournament totals for both tasks are now at
Cardan Duarte, with 74/100.
Lars Stangeland with 81/100
Elliott Reid with 83/100
What might be next for our Champions? No one really knows. However, perhaps we can look at the history of the Triwizard Champion to gain insight to what the Ministry might have up their sleeves. However, that is a separate article for another time.
by J. Spector
The day was still young as the three champions entered the arena that surrounded the Black Lake; Elliott Reid, Cardan Duarte, and Lars Stangeland stood by the pool that was the entrance to the Lake. As the crowd cheered for their champion. They each waved but were soon deep in thought as to how to conquer the next task, the first thing they had to do was figure out the poem given to them as a clue as how to prepare.
As the crowd watched the transformation of each champion, they saw where Lars and Cardan prepared elaborately, Elliott prepared simple. With just his swim trunks and a tank top. He used the bubble head charm along with the impervius charm to make him basically water proof and immune to the temperature of the lake.
At the sound of the whistle they all jumped in the water. The champions sunk into the lake and were soon consumed by the kelp. But any magical student knows kelp is the home to a creature of the lake. Grindylows make their home there. And no sooner had the champions freed themselves the next obstacle faced them. With spell after spell sent to deter them they soon moved on. As Lars seemed to team up with Cardan, Elliott was still fighting the Kelp and the grindylows.
Having gotten past them, Elliott soon caught up with the others who were having difficulty of their own with the Merfolks. Here knowledge and not arrogance is needed to interact with these creatures of the deep and here Lars attacked one trying to pass them, but his magic was no match for the Merfolks. During this time Elliott eased up slowly and asked them for passage for which permission was granted.
Once he entered the caves in the Lethe Waters the memories he had would soon be forgotten if not for the potion [taken at the start], for in the cavern he was to recover the object which was stolen from him. As in all tasks a twist was added by the Ministry; a hint to be given to each champion for the third task but it was at the cost of someone’s life [Editor’s Note: we, at The Owl Post, are reliably informed no one would have died but it would have been (and I quote) ‘quite a show]. The crowd, the judges, and the champions were taken back in shock.
But each champion decided not to take the hint and recovered their “item”. But the old saying “Keep it simple” paid off for the winner Elliott. While the others were elaborate in their attire, and preparation, well, you know the rest of the story.