Astronomy (All Years)
Professor Priaulx (Bay Quartz)
Draw the full moon including any visible lunar maria
Herbology (All Years)
Professor Dumorney (Ebediyet Snowpaw)
Homework is at least two rolls of parchment on the Shape-shifting Sumac
Mythology (All Years)
Professor Van der Brough (Tawny Gellner)
I would like for each of you to reflect on what we have talked about with the 12 Olympian Gods and Goddesses and to pick one that you would like to discuss briefly. Write one paragraph on that God or Goddess that you chose.
Transfiguration (All Years)
Professor Banks (JoannahRose Resident)
Two parchments on the ethical implications of casting Alteratio humanus on a wixen or a muggle. What could happen. Best and worst cast situations
Extra Credit (max twice a week)
Care of Magical Creatures
Professor Eastwood (PeasantWomen Resident)
Document Sample: Care of Magical Creatures EXTRA CREDIT Work Sheet ONE time per week In your free time go out to the hut and in the back by the front of the building there will be a horse stall with equipment to feed groom and care for the horse. A flying horse will be standing by the hut for you to interact with. Do not go to the horse after curfew IC. Time bubble is allowed. ((Please place NC in NC mailbox by the horse)) SL Name: Character Name: House: Year: Date: Copy Paste RP Log Here:
Professor Dracheblume (AriannavonDracheBlume Resident)
Tend to the compost barrels twice weekly for house and skill points. Full instructions are in the box by the barrels