Defence Against the Dark Arts (All Years)
Professor Vikander (SamuelRyder Resident)
Three parchments on whether any creature, human, magical, or otherwise, can really be considered ‘dark’ or ‘evil’. One example of a creature considered dangerous, one considered ‘dark’, and your opinion on humans,
Herbology (All Years)
Professor Dumorney (Ebediyet Snowpaw)
Homework is at least two rolls of parchment on the Biting Banyan Tree
Herbology (All Years)
Professor Dracheblume (AriannavonDracheBlume Resident)
Ask a friend what wood their wand is made of. Research your friends wand wood and hazard a guess at why that wood chose them. Taking what you know of your friend, and what you learned about their wand wood into account. .Look into the wand lore but also Legends and uses the wood may have. Those could lead you into just as much insight into why the wand chose your friend as the wandlore does
Mythology (All Years)
Professor Van der Brough (Tawny Gellner)
Read about Hestia, Poseidon, and Zeus and write a one paragraph summary on each of them.
Extra Credit (max twice a week)
Care of Magical Creatures
Professor Eastwood (PeasantWomen Resident)
Document Sample: Care of Magical Creatures EXTRA CREDIT Work Sheet ONE time per week In your free time go out to the hut and in the back by the front of the building there will be a horse stall with equipment to feed groom and care for the horse. A flying horse will be standing by the hut for you to interact with. Do not go to the horse after curfew IC. Time bubble is allowed. ((Please place NC in NC mailbox by the horse)) SL Name: Character Name: House: Year: Date: Copy Paste RP Log Here:
Professor Dracheblume (AriannavonDracheBlume Resident)
Tend to the compost barrels twice weekly for house and skill points. Full instructions are in the box by the barrels