Werewolf Registration Act
Legislation 253, Chapter 4
The Werewolf registration act is once again to be invoked. All those whom are Werewolf will be required by law to register themselves and provide documentation for safety measures during the full moon phase.
All those that do not comply will be tried and sentenced to Azkaban for a time until they do so register.
This act is now mandatory.
Failure to provide documentation on the safety measures taken during a full moon phase will result in incarceration to St Mungo’s for rehabilitation.
All Werewolves of age are to manage and provide evidence that their condition is of no danger to the general public. All those of underage are under the care of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Failure to provide evidence that all underage Werewolves are safe, secure and no danger to the general student population and surrounding areas will result in fines against the school.
All Werewolves are to attend consultations when called upon for management of their condition. These consultations will be provided and funded by the Beast Division of the Ministry of Magic. Refusal to attend consultations will result in heavy fines and possible incarceration to Azkaban.
All underage Wizards have the right to have a representative present at consultation. This representative may be parent, carer, professor, or Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
All Werewolves are now banned from being in public areas during a full moon. All Werewolves are to submit to expulsion from civilization until the full moon has passed. Injury, harm or death as a result of Werewolves will result in imprisonment or execution of said Werewolf.
Those who have been bitten, harmed or otherwise possibly infected are to also register and be monitored by the Ministry of Magic and St Mungo’s until proven that said person is not a liability to the general public.
All registrations are private and can be done via owl or in person at an appointment of said Werewolves choosing.
All registrations will be overseen by the Beast Division Committee of Werewolf Registrations. You can contact your representative Lucifer Gillespie should any issues arise.
The Ministry of Magic pledges to help, protect and provide support for those who are of Werewolf traits.
This law has been invoked by the Wizengamot, Beast Division and Minister of Magic.
Alongside Law and Eventual Action?
April 29th, 2025.
Despite a distinct lack of further incidents at Hogwarts and Hogsmeade it is with relief that the new legislations announced in The Sunday Prophet, by The Ministry of Magic, has been met.
If reports are to be believed Minister of Magic, Hannah Fischer, met with Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Oreyn Fox, to discuss the placement of aurors within the grounds of the school. Many critics are voicing that this move has come far too late and speculate the actions of the Minister are woefully inadequate, especially considering the length of time it has taken for actions to have been taken.
Sources within the ministry have excused this by stating that legislation such as this takes time to pass, with others explaining that there has been a significant amount of pressure for things to move faster with a surprising portion of the Wizengamout objecting to such legislation being reinstated. It is well known that werewolf registration has been poorly taken up by those inflicted with Lycanthropy and the newest announcement by the MInistry of Magic has left many questioning how it’s planned to ensure that this registration will be more successful than the 1947 register – created by Newt Scamander – and the Werewolf Legislation of 1993, that seemingly allowed werewolves like the infamous Fenrir Greyback to continue to roam the country unchecked. Indeed, do the Ministry expect the current attacker to attend London and announce herself for registration or do they actually plan to take more decisive action to prevent further attacks?
Concerns have been further increased as deliveries of aconite have repeatedly gone amiss leaving the general population palpably worried as wolfsbane potions become more difficult to procure. Demand for aconite that is becoming increasingly unavailable have sent prices soaring, making an already expensive and necessary potion even more expensive. Within Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry it is baffling to learn that students are being tasked with tending for aconite – and furthermore baffling to hear of students deliberately destroying plants with no regard for the safety that their production will give them.
The population turns to the Minister of Magic and the Ministry for answers and actions that can sincerely guarantee safety.
-Adalfink Fisher, Current Events
Minority Magical Rights; where does it stop?
Minority Magical Rights groups across the country have reacted with outrage as a new act to register werewolves has been announced by the Minister of Magic. Following the incident at Gringotts the self titled group “Veela Against Calming Draughts” have merged to work with the group “Minority Magical Rights” (MMR) lodging many complaints that the most recent act will lead to alienation of witches and wizards of mixed heritage. Part Veelas fear they are next to be impacted with rumours of the Ministry drafting an act for their registration and compulsory usage of calming Draughts to be announced soon. A petition has already been formed against such an act with many well known names signing against legislation being passed without consultation of those who will be affected. It hasn’t gone without note that the most recent Werewolf Registration Act went without consultation and appears to be a knee jerk reaction to current events that were seemingly left ignored. Is Minister Fischer that worried about her position that she is willing to discard her most loyal voters to appease the majority?
-Saffron Foxclaw, Current Events
Is Hogwarts hiding something? And is Hogsmeade colluding in this farcical lie?
Five attacks at Hogwarts, two attacks in Hogsmeade, three full moons, a depletion of aconite, and still the Minister of Magic, Hannah Fischer, remains silent.
The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and the Auror Office have already become embroiled in the goings on of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade over the last month. Senior Official Lucifer Gillespie has been allowed access to the school to investigate the many reported attacks of students and villagers and the Auror Office, thus far, remain in the Three Broomsticks in spite of repeated reports that these attacks go beyond a lone werewolf and are actually the actions of a crazed woman, attacking in both states; human and wolf.
It appears that the Auror Office are sending woefully inadequate Ministry staff to the aid of Hogsmeade villagers as one Eugene Longnecker proved, likely still remaining in his corner at The Three Broomsticks with a cup of tea in his hand rather than patrolling the roads with his wand. Longnecker was very reluctant to discuss his presence in Hogsmeade which proved less than reassuring and beyond the fact ‘the Minister of Magic sent [him]’ he appeared to provide wholly useless information. He did, however, give an insight into the fact he was not unwilling to try and defer attention away from students worthwhile speaking to.
Whilst I was accompanied to Hogsmeade by Saffron Foxclaw it was almost fortuitous that her ward of the day was her own protege the editor for the student run newspaper within Hogwarts. There is apparently a marked divide within Hogwarts with a minority of students rejecting the idea that werewolves should be schooled alongside them – a concept that many worried parents appear to be getting behind if the most recent School Governors meeting is anything to go by. Despite the editor of The Owl Post’s very obvious silver scars it was surprising to learn that she did not share in this rhetoric, branding it as “hate speech” and leaving me to wonder who she’s protecting behind that disfigured, brutish appearance.
In spite of the shimmering scars that graced her pretty face, another unfortunately disfigured girl appeared to be in cahoots with the leader of the Owl Post as she vehemently denied the presence of any werewolves within the school. Instead, she attributed the attacks to one lone crazed woman who “targeted children for dinner.”
It’s been reported that Aoife O’Keeffe, former senior minister for the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes and now Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, has repeatedly reassured students that despite the attacks no student has been bitten, another rhetoric the faithful few continued to repeat in earnest, but there are doubts. One young Slytherin voiced concerns over censorship within the school, students being told their opinions on their own safety within the school – and concerns about their fellow students – are to be kept silent. O’Keeffe’s connections with Percius Fletcher, Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects, show that favouritism is still strong with his son as current Head Boy, and seemingly doing O’Keeffe’s dirty work by apparently silencing anyone who dares disagree with her. Another possible cover up? Students protecting the werewolves within?
The Owl Post Editor herself, though strenuously denying the presence of werewolves within the school, even appeared to admit there were, why else would she denounce the anti-werewolf groups, and why else would she publish in her own newspaper letters from those who claim to be werewolves? Someone is obviously lying. And the question doesn’t need to be asked who.
Feathersweet, new proprietor of Honeydukes, confirmed these lies, openly discussing the presence of werewolves within Hogwarts and even Hogsmeade following the January 1st attack on an underage child. The most recent attack – during the last full moon – was of an adult, a slight change in the attackers modus operandi, however, if reports are to be believed, this was in defending a child. There seemed to be no end to attacks, both verbal and physical, as an altercation with Feathersweet ended my Sunday trip early. I arrived as I left, overhearing the arguments within the apothecary over a missing delivery of aconite, something that is sure to cause panic within the school. Especially so considering all evidence points to a student, or students, being protected from their own. Still, I find myself wondering, were the students I crossed paths with this weekend the protectors? Or the protected?
-Adalfink Fisher, Current Events
Veela Rage Whetted
Following the trial of Hestarina Shippe all charges have been dropped as Ms Shippe has been shipped to St Mungo’s for an indeterminate length of time to analyse her mental faculties.
Wands Away
A 40% share of the Diagon Alley wand crafters has been formally requested by Ms S Macauley. If no objections are raised in writing by April 2nd contracts are to be signed thereafter.