Since arriving it has been an uphill battle and as you say “Treading water”. A lot of us do not have the best English. We try to speak the best we can, but it is often taken for shortness, snipiness, or aloofness. What do you think is the best way to help with this barrier. I think I can speak for many of us who are new to Hogwarts: We aren’t mean people. Our cultures, or perhaps our languages, are just different.
— Foreign Born
Dear Foreign Born,
The struggle of getting to know new people through a language barrier is understandable, but if you want to break it down it will simply take a consistent effort of approaching those new people. It might take a little while, but after some time I’m sure you’ll find the work was worth it.
I want to make friends with one of the new students. Do you think I should learn a bit of their language or just try to talk to them in English?
— Only English
Dear Only English,
Sometimes people are impressed and appreciative when you learn even just how to say hello to them in their own language. Depending on how nice they are, they might even be willing to teach you more of their language since you already showed some effort, but I would not recommend trying to learn a new language in such a short time, as they might find your pronunciation offensive.