A house known for their diligence, tolerance, and modesty …Are we still talking about Hufflepuffs? Let’s say we are. This is the house that we are all told is fair and just, but sometimes we are left raising a brow at how someone as firm as Priaulx ended up as their Head of House… Maybe she has a softer side that no one outside of their burrow sees? But I can’t talk about her in this. This is part two of a four part series, and in this part you’ll get to learn who all the cotton balls are, I mean Hufflepuff Prefects, of course.

Quinn Lowry
Another new Prefect this year, he is a fifth year and he was also on the house Quidditch team, but I couldn’t begin to tell you what position he played. I used to think he played Keeper, and maybe he did, but then there was Nate and now I’ve lost track. Honestly, I usually mix up Casey, Quinn, and Nate anyway. Quinn seems pretty hardworking and dedicated, but I haven’t seen any skills outside of quidditch that he thrives at yet… Hopefully that shows soon, he is in his O.W.L year after all!

Roisin O’Connell
A seventh year in Hufflepuff, she is usually viewed as being kind, sometimes considered to be sweet. She is known for being pretty decent when it comes to classes that are more hands-on, such as transfiguration, or charms class. If you ever need help with your divination homework, this is the Prefect to go to! I have not heard of her getting into much trouble, so I am not sure if she is fun to hang out with, but she is at least good for homework help!

Peach McCants
VEELA ALERT! The second of two fifth year Prefects in Hufflepuff, is indeed a Veela! Watch out for those incoming fireballs. We’ve all seen what it looks like to tick off a Veela, which is why I really can’t wait to do it someday. Last year Everett had his pants set on fire from a Veela, and even though we all likely laughed afterwards, it was really something when it first happened. Maybe we should set out a challenge? Who can tick off the most Veela? Looks like Everett is already in the lead. But anyway, this is about Peach and she is one of those sweet Hufflepuffs, the ones that seem pretty easy to like, and she comes off as friendly. Maybe too friendly? Coulda sworn I spotted her passing a note to Noma Nyx, who if you all remember in the last Prefect article, I mentioned he’s been seen around with some Ivy chick. Wonder what’s up there?

Verity Ashworth
A seventh year, Verity is not your typical Badger… She also isn’t your typical Lion, Snake, or Eagle either. She is just… Verity. She portrays herself as someone who is pretty approachable, and welcoming, but inside she is very manipulative and sinister. She usually prides herself on not getting caught… But she did get caught last year, didn’t she? HAHA! Her skills mostly show themselves in Charms (and manipulation), as well as Transfiguration. I swear, she turns her ex boyfriends into animals! She was also a Reserve on the House Team. She only accepted Reserve because she didn’t want to sweat too much as a full time player. All this said, it seems like a fair number of people are putting galleons down on her getting Champion for Hogwarts this year. Who knows? Maybe she will get it and will actually represent us well?