What do the stars say about the week ahead for the signs? Let’s take a quick look…
January 21 – February 18
If you feel you need to speak up about something now is a good time.
Try not to get distracted and focus on your goals this week.
February 19 – March 20
Focus on establishing more routine in your life. Keep your galleons in your coin purse if you can and avoid frivolous spending. The challenges you face this week can be a prompt for positive change.
April 21 to May 21
Mercury has stabilised your work life and all the words you need are right there. Be calm, stay on track and let your true voice be heard.
You are focusing a lot on security and loyalty will be important to you.
May 22 – June 21
Gemini, this is a good week for you. Everything you say and do will bring you positive attention, and long-lost friends may come back to your side.
Dream about your future and know that the outcome could be even bigger and better than what you imagine.
June 22 – July 22
You may find yourself with a secret admirer this week.
Mercury moves into your family zone and you will find it is easier to be clear with communication.
July 23 – August 23
You are shining brightly in every situation this week, but be kind and aware of others.
Take time to listen.
August 24 – September 22
Your finances are looking healthy. Keep that up!
This week you will have a notion to work on being the best you can be.
September 23 – October 23
Your intuition is attuned this week and you will see through fake words or sentiments… and have the ability to call people out on them.
This week looks positive for family matters.
October 24 – November 22
Your energy is boosted and you now have a chance to reach a goal or put your foot down.
If someone in your circle asks too much of you, say no.
November 23 – December 21
Get set for an adventure this week.
Say yes to new experiences, if given the chance.
December 22 – January 20
You are feeling loved this week and this may be as a result of believing in yourself and your right to be happy. Things are falling into place for you.
The Moon
In the early, quiet hours of September 10th, the last quarter moon will approach us. This quarter occurs when Virgo forms a square with the Moon in Gemini. This is a time for deep reflection. After appreciating the full light of last week’s full Moon, which symbolises awareness, we amplify our knowledge, arriving at the point in which we need to decide what works for us; what is good and what is not. This week is about self-preparation for what’s coming during the New Moon next week, when a fresh start – something new – is born once again. We also need to keep in mind that this is not a good time for starting a major project because the decreasing light of the Moon symbolises losing perspective. This is a good moment for finishing what was started during the last New Moon. We also need to keep in mind the revelations we may have had in the last week and their real meaning for us. But cheer up, the next steps you may take will be a lot clearer and give you more vision..
By Nyo Hara and Marz Marchant