Rumour Has It is for the sharp tongued among us, and the people who claim to deplore gossip, but secretly read it all the same.
Confessions, rumours or Questions can be given to our friendly messenger owl that loiters outside The Great Hall, he takes any messages to The Owl Post, just have a few owl nuts handy!
Did I just witness a third year lion shove her boyfriend to the ground in DADA class?
There is an eagle who fell asleep in the library. They were sawing logs
The cursed couple strike again! Shouldn’t the eagle be bald, and not the lion? Whoops.
My roommate has so much shed fur on their bed. Pretty sure they are sleeping with at least half a dozen cats to keep warm at night.
I saw an Eagle boy reading a book on dark wizards the other day. Why is he so interested in the subject?
Rumour has it the enchanting badger’s looking to knock a certain high and mighty Slytherin off her pedestal. Should be quite the show this Saturday at duelling club…
What’s this world coming to, when Ravenclaw boys are betting each other to take off their ear muffs while handling mandrakes? I thought they were the smart ones!!
Got your own gossip to spread and muck to rake? Drop us an owl!