Danger is not always so apparent. Sometimes, the worst of threats come from corners where it is least expected. This is all too true now, while a secret war brews within the castle.
The beginnings were subtle. A small handful of Ravenclaws wearing large, strange hats. It not only seemed innocent enough, but even endearingly strange to some. Endearing until reports reached my ears of Gryffindor hat casualties–fallen comrades in an accessories war happening under our very noses, and anywhere else accessories might be worn.
With scarves critiqued and hat troubles stirring, I faced the Ravenclaw Hat Cult and lived to tell the tale. When asked of their leaders, they readily admitted having such. When interrogated about their involvement with the Gryffindor hat troubles, they denied. When it was demanded they make their intentions known, they claimed to be “good people,” as bad people often do. Their proclaimed activities include studying, but what sinister tactics are these hat cultists studying?
Who among us has walked these halls and not seen the posters pleading for the return of a Gryffindor’s lion hat? Who among us has not questioned what has gotten into Ravenclaws this year in regard to fashion? The signs are there, for those who open their eyes to the truth.
We cannot pretend to know their motives or plans yet, but time will reveal the twisted web of this dark conspiracy. Those remaining vigilante will be prepared. Keep an eye out, keep your scarves close, and trust no hat but your own.