Heroes or risk takers? This is the question since the order of gruel to be served instead of regular meals at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which has left students apparently down in the dumps or starving since some refuse to eat the gruel given to them. But over the last few weeks mysterious food baskets have been appearing in each hogwarts houses common rooms, how did they get there? The house elves? The heads of four houses?
No it is neither of them, word of mouth has got around the school since the sudden appearance of the baskets of food started, that the people behind the mysterious food baskets are a group known as The Thornberrys. Sick of gruel each day morning, noon and night, it seems these anonymous individuals want to make sure everyone in the school gets a satisfactory meal.
This writer asks the question ‘Does this make them heroes? Or does this make them foolish risk takers?’ This writer will hopefully find out as she will be asking students their opinions on The Thornberrys or even better managing to actually interview one.
Starting my search for students to interview I came across a 2nd year known as Essa Nazari who was in the greenhouse doing work.
Greeting the 2nd year I noticed the girl looked like she had lost a bit of weight, could it be from the annual serving of gruel or had Miss Nazari been secretly doing laps around the quidditch pitch? I asked her if I could have a few moments of her time to interview her on The Thornberrys to which she agreed. Starting off by asking her the first question;
“Word has it that the people behind the mysterious food baskets are a group known as The Thornberrys is this true?”
Miss Nazari shrugged with a hum replying “I guess so. I mean, food randomly shows up in the common rooms with a note. The cooking is almost as good as the house elves so…ya”.
The cooking is almost as good as the house elves? This makes the writer wonder how much experience these Thornberrys have and what their ages may be if making food almost as good as the kitchen house elves.
Moving onto my second question I ask Miss Nazari;
“Do you know any of them? “
To which Miss Nazari replied with a laugh “I’m a second year. I’m just trying to stay up with my studies. You know trying to prove…you know…that I have improved in all of my classes.”
This writer had looked at the girl knowing well Miss Nazari enjoyed her studies swiftly moving onto the next question.
“Do you think they are heroes for what they are doing or foolish risk takers?“
“I think….they are doing what they feel like they need to do for the health the students here at Hogwarts.”
In this writer’s opinion Miss Nazari is making The Thornberrys out as a hero resistance group making sure no students health decreases and they are getting a proper meal.
Finally moving onto my last question for Miss Nazari I asked her;
“Anything else you would like to comment on regarding The Thornberrys? “
“Just to keep up the good work. I mean, it’s clear something needs to be done and if it is helping with the moral of the school, keep it up.”
Noticing that Miss Nazari was keen to finish her studying, I thanked her for her time and set off trying to find more students or a Thornberry to interview.
It was the curiosity of seeing students running towards the library that made this writer think. There could be a few good interviews to have in there quiet and hidden I could get a few answers off more students on this mysterious group. Walking into the library I noticed two students at one of the bookshelves quietly chatting, I decided to ask them the same questions as I had asked Miss Nazari but these students wished to remain anonymous so the students will be named “Anonymous 1 “ and “Anonymous 2”.
Sitting down I asked them both
“Word has it that the people behind the mysterious food baskets are a group known as The Thornberrys is this true?”
To which Anonymous 1 looked around the library making sure no one was about to overhear their answer, they smiled and replied
“It seems to be true, we have both seen the food baskets and the letters they put in them simply signed “Thornberry”.
Hearing this reply was good, an actual witness account of the mystery food baskets.
Asking the Anonymous students my second question “Do you know any of them? “
To which Anonymous 2 shook their head replying, “No, not that we know anyway” ,
Anonymous 1 shook their head also replying, “I wish we did but we’re nowhere cool enough to hang out with the likes of them.”
This writer thought to herself for a moment, cool enough to hang around with the likes of them? Sounds more like a school clique than a hero group if you ask me.
I then went on to ask the anonymous pair my third question: “Do you think they are heroes for what they are doing or foolish risk takers? “
Giving them both a moment to think Anonymous 2 explained, “I would say so because it takes a real hero to do what you believe is right despite the consequences”.
Anonymous 1 had nodded their head in agreement before adding “The world needs rebels to stand up against tyrants that only wish to oppress the little people, without these rebels the world would be a much different place today”.
Strong words, this writer thinks, before finally asking them the last question.
“Anything else you would like to comment on regarding The Thornberrys? “
To which Anonymous 2 replied, “as long as the ministry is here I hope the Thornberrys continue their crusade to make the school a little better”.
Anonymous 1 nodded and replied: “they seem to be good people only doing what they believe is right and you can only eat so much gruel.”
These students seem grateful someone has risked everything to make sure no one goes hungry.
Leaving the library I decided to hunt for more students finally on the fifth floor corridor about to head down the stairs I managed to interview a student who agreed but as long as they were kept anonymous and referred to as “The Dorchester supporter”.
Agreeing to the student’s rule I asked them the same four questions. When asked about the food baskets the Dorchester supporter said in an angry tone “Yes, stupidly enough it just means everyone gets punished if this group get caught.”
When asked if they knew any of them the Dorchester support replied “If i knew any of them.. The first thing I would do is make sure they get reported to Dorchester herself, since these so called “heroes” are risking everyone getting punished just for them.”
This student clearly wasn’t happy and deciding to quickly get this over with before making the student mad I asked if they felt they were heroes or foolish.
The Dorchester supporter laughed maliciously and replied, “They are more than foolish risk takers they are absolute idiots, by doing this as I commented before they are risking EVERYONE getting in trouble because of them I really hope they get caught and punished.”
Finally as even this writer wanted to get away from this malicious looking student, the student was asked for any other comments to which The Dorchester supporter said,
“Stop now before everyone gets in trouble and you get caught and stop encouraging people, This is not a muggle movie where everything ends in an happy ending which you lot are trying to make it out as it will end BADLY. “
Before I could thank the student they marched off. Had i made the mistake of asking someone I shouldn’t have?
Walking around the Quad courtyard looking for my final student to interview I came across a student who told me his name was Archibold Ceasa who, to this writer, seemed quite a cocky fellow. After a small discussion Archibold agreed to be interviewed. Like with my last interviewees I asked him the same questions, his reply to being asked about The Thornberrys was;
“Bloody’ell if I know. Bit of a weird name, isn’t it”
He then moved on to tell me he didn’t know them. I moved on.
“Do you think they are heroes for what they are doing or foolish risk takers? “
To which he replied a, let’s say, not fully appropriate answer for those reading this at meal time.
“Uh..well. I don’t know about heroes. I think they see a need and are trying ta take care of people. I don’t know ‘bout you but i ‘aven’t ‘ad a solid dump since we been on gruel so, I ain’t complaining”
Finally I asked Mr Ceasa my last question, which was for any comment which Mr Ceasa made a cocky comment as if this writer was a waitress
“Butterbeer, ask them ta bring us some butterbeer if ya could be so kind.”
There you have it.. Five different interviews regarding The Thornberrys with different opinions. Will The Thornberrys reveal themselves? Will the food baskets continue? We may never know.