Hogwarts Bans Wand Lore!

Hogwarts BANS study of Wand Lore, All books locked away in Restricted Section, Professors feel ‘trapped’ in the castle ______ Writes gossip correspondent Philomena Pest ______ Students at Hogwarts will no longer be taught Wand Lore, as the castle’s own compendium of books are thrown into the libraries Restricted Section, out of sight and mystifyingly…

Despaired, or Just Drunk?

Chaotic and quarrelsome Durmstrang students bring shame on their institute, the Whomping Willow lashes out, and I look fabulous in a dragon-skin coat ______ By gossip correspondent Philomena Pest ______ With incredibly immense sadness, I gladly attended the funeral of the late Headmaster Matvey Golovin of Durmstrang Institute, with an invitation, darling, so personal, so…