Care of Magical Creatures (All Years)
Professor Bane (JettBane Resident)
Two feet on Thestrals. Add in any story or myth regarding them.
Charms (Years 5-7)
Professor Horrocks (Amy Absinthe)
Charms 1st-4th
A one foot minimum essay on the use – and other important information that may help you in the casting – of the following spells:
first year: Locking Spell
second year: General Counter-Spell
third year: Hot Air Charm
fourth year: Fixing Charm
due 9th November
Charms 5th-7th
A one foot minimum essay on the use – and other important information that may help you in the casting – of the following spells:
fifth year: Mending Charm
sixth year: Refilling Charm
seventh year: Meteolojinx Recanto
due 16th November
Divination (All Years)
Professor Caldwell (SheridanSnow Resident)
Conduct two three card spreads for your classmates and record your findings, and experience, in your journals. Turn in Journals at start of next class.
Herbology (All Years)
Professor Dracheblume (AriannavonDracheBlume Resident)
Write a paragraph on each type of plant Life cycle, annuals, biennials and perennials. Add on a list of 5 plants of each kind. As well as 5 plants that people think is one kind but is really another and why they think that
Muggle Studies (All Years)
Professor Caldwell (Marron Ivorymage)
3 pages “My Favourite Halloween Thing”
Extra Credit (max twice a week)
Professor Professor Juliette Moore (Honey Vanilla)
Create Cover for your Personal Sketch Journal (Located by Art Door)
Professor Caldwell (SheridanSnow Resident)
Divinations presentation submissions form
Professor Dracheblume (AriannavonDracheBlume Resident)
Tend to the compost barrels twice weekly for skill points. Full instructions are in the box by the barrels