Rumour Has It is for the sharp tongued among us, and the people who claim to deplore gossip, but secretly read it all the same. Ruffled Feathers are for those who need help and advice.
Confessions are something entirely different. Got something you want off your chest? Need to scream it from the Astronomy Tower but can’t? The Owl Post is here to be your metaphorical Astronomy Tower
Confessions, rumours or Questions can be given to our friendly messenger owl that loiters outside The Great Hall, he takes any messages to The Owl Post, just have a few owl nuts handy!
I wish there were more cute boys around the castle to look at.
I don’t hate you. I never hated you, I just didn’t understand.
Gotta love that small, blonde snek, that always looks like she’s just eaten a lemon.
Sometimes I wish I didn’t have all this pressure to be something I’m not. I wish I could choose my own path and not the traditions of my house and family. It’s becoming unbearable
Maybe I’m not brave enough for Gryffindor.
She didn’t do it idiots..You’re blaming the wrong person HAHAHA
I know I am not great at anything magic but I am trying my best.
I think we need to use silencio liberally on first years.
Yes, I hit someone and, sure, it felt good for about five seconds, but it really wasn’t worth it. Fighting solves nothing.
I can’t get your lips out of my head
I’m really sorry for not setting a good example for the first years and getting both our years in major trouble with our HoH
Time under the stars is my favourite activity with you
I want to join your band, but I only play the triangle.
Got your own confession just begging to be told? Drop us an owl and tell all!