Welcome to Weekly Portents, your one and only source for all things prophetic! In Weekly Portents I, the one and only Riven Redwhisper, will be giving a special reading to let you know what to expect at Hogwarts in the coming days, weeks, months, and beyond! But that’s not all, dear reader! The cards tell me you should expect much much more in the future including personal readings to answer questions you’ve submitted, tips and tricks to improve your own Divinations game, and I even have an interview lined up with a real live seer!
What are the Sooths saying? What are the Oracles orating? What are the augers articulating? Check in each week to find out!
This just in, dear readers!!
Shortly after last week’s article I was contacted by a mysterious group of supposed seers who live right here in this very castle! They call themselves the Council of Friendly Seers (CoFS) which is a dumb name if you ask me but who am I to judge. At first, I thought the name was ironic and figured they were going to try bullying me into censoring myself about all this Divinations stuff but no! They actually want to work together!
We met in a dark corner of the dungeons but their faces were obscured by strange masks and they wore heavy black robes. Couldn’t tell who they were or figure out what shape they were under those robes and they even did something to change their voices. Sounded like they were talking through a tube or something. Don’t think I’ll ever understand that lot and their need for secrecy but to each their own I guess.
Anyway, they wanted to give my readers a message, especially the younger ones out there. They told me that being a seer can be very tough and confusing at first. You may be having terrible dreams (that might literally come true) or get these terrible feelings of deja vu like everything happening around you already happened yesterday. You may not be able to sleep at night or you may be seeing these cryptic visions that leave you feeling drained or confused or maybe even sick to your stomach.
Their message is this: everything will be ok! You’re not alone and there are people in the castle who can help you. People you can trust to keep your secret a secret. At the top of their list was the Healers. They can give you sleeping draught or calming draught to help you get some rest if you’re having issues with dreams. Sounds like they can help you with other stuff too but I dunno, they weren’t super specific on that. Unfortunately their whole list was far too long for me to take it all down but sounds like the healers would be a good start.
The Council of Friendly Seers also offers their own aid to any of my readers. If you believe that yourself or someone you know may be a seer and would like the CoFS’s aid, please owl me, Riven Redwhisper ((luka5555 resident)), and I will discreetly put you in touch with one of their members.
Our meeting was rather strange and a bit confusing but overall I’d say it was positive. I look forward to working with this mysterious group in the future.
Anyway, on to this week’s reading!!
Last week we asked the mystical energies surrounding time and space what we can expect for our entire school year. This time, however, I’ve decided to focus on the next few days.
What, dear cosmos, can we expect for this coming weekend?
Tonight I’ll be using the ancient art of scrying to tell our future. What is scrying? I’m glad you asked! The form of scrying that most people know is the infamous crystal ball but actual crystals, mirrors, or other surfaces can be used too. To get a reading you simply look into your object of choice and focus both your regular eyes and your mind’s eye into it. If done correctly, you will sort of lose yourself into the object’s surface and your answer will come to you… in its own way.
I have in front of me a scrying bowl! It’s a very shallow bowl of black obsidian that has a nice satisfying weight to it. When filled to the brim with water it creates a perfectly flat mirrory surface which is ideal for our reading.
Please have a seat and get comfortable. Take a long deep breath with me and we’ll get started.
I wiggle my fingers over the bowl once for good measure then stare deeply into the water’s surface. My eyes simultaneously focus and unfocus and before long this tiny palm sized bowl of water is a lake. My eyes continue peering through the glassy surface and this lake becomes an infinite sea of water. Calm. Still. Peaceful. Endless.
I wait.
I watch.
Then slowly it comes to me. It’s neither calm nor peaceful but what is it!?
At first, just a few people then more and more start flooding in. Gathering for some purpose, I believe. And the noise! So much noise! But… not a bad noise! No screaming or violence or hatred. But is this a happy noise? No, not quite that either. Then what!?
I keep my eyes locked into the swirling miasma but just like that it’s gone! Once again I only see the bowl for what it is and the empty room around me.
A clear message or is there some deeper meaning?
I’m thinking both! We should brace ourselves for an extra busy weekend BUT stay wary and look out for hidden messages lurking just below the surface.
If you have a question you’d like answered in Weekly Portents please send a self addressed stamped owl ((notecard)) to Riven Redwhisper ((luka5555 resident)). Your identity will remain anonymous unless you specifically request otherwise. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee the results of these readings and we also regret that we may be unable to answer everyone’s questions every week. Rest assured, however, that we’ll do everything in our power to answer as many people as we can as accurately as we can.