Welcome to Weekly Portents, your one and only source for all things prophetic! In Weekly Portents I, personally, will be giving a special reading to let you know what to expect at Hogwarts in the following days, weeks, months, and beyond! But that’s not all, dear reader! The cards tell me you should expect much much more in the future including personal readings that answer questions you’ve submitted, tips and tricks to improve your own Divinations game, and I even have an interview lined up with a real live seer!
What are the Sooths saying? What are the Oracles orating? What are the augers articulating? Check in each week to find out!
Welcome to my domain, dear reader. Please have a seat and listen to what the powers of the cosmos wish to tell you.
Tonight, I find myself at an undisclosed location beyond the castle walls. It is the Witching Hour and slivers of cold moonlight glimmer across the rolling hills before me. I regret that I may be unable to use such a majestic venue for all my readings but today is a special occasion. The first reading of the year.
And for this first reading I’ve decided to use a traditional medium: Tarot. A simple three card spread should be perfect but what question shall I ask? I believe, since this is our first reading, we should ask what we’re in store for throughout the entire school year. I wonder what mysteries the cards will reveal.
As I shuffle, I take a deep breath and focus on the questions at hand. “What should we expect this year at Hogwarts? What warnings should we heed? What trials and tribulations shall transpire? What boons or blessings shall befall us?”
Once the cards are shuffled 7 times (no more, no less), I cut the deck 7 times (no more, no less), then pull the 7th card from the stack and rest it to the left. I then pull the 7th card down from that one and place it in the center, then (you guessed it) the 7th card down from that and place that to the right.
One of the most simple Tarot spreads, three cards representing three things. The left represents an issue or challenge from the past that’s still relevant today, the middle represents something occurring in the present or challenges we’re facing right now, and the right represents what to expect or what warnings to heed in the future. The past. The present. The future.
I delicately lay my fingers atop of the leftmost card. Just getting a feel and a sense for it before I turn it over.
6 of wands, reversed
Ah, I see. Yes. An upright six of wands represents success or accomplishments. Windfalls, that sort of thing. Unfortunately, when reversed as we see here, the card means the opposite. Failure, downfall, or perhaps even a great financial loss. Have you or someone you know suffered a great financial loss in the recent past? So very difficult to say what this card is referring to.
I give the centre card the same treatment before flipping it over as well.
The Hanged Man, upright
Very interesting! The Hanged Man represents a great uncertainty that we’re all facing or a sacrifice we’re forced to make. Based on the first card, perhaps you’re currently feeling uncertain about your future in the aftermath of the aforementioned financial loss. Maybe you have to sacrifice those Chocolate Frogs and Fizzing Whizzbees or perhaps your financial concerns run much deeper than that.
Let’s see what the third card has to offer. What insight will it give us into our future?
The Lovers, upright.
Even more interesting! Two Major Arcana in such a small spread? Not a thing to be ignored or even taken lightly. The Lovers represents, of course, love and romance and all that but also our relationships and unity with all those around us. Perhaps this isn’t a sign of what’s to come but a warning of what we must do to survive.
Divinations is not an exact science and often gives us cryptic and unclear messages. It’s not uncommon to be left guessing as to what the symbols and signs could possibly mean and sometimes we never get an answer. However, other times the message is spot on and crystal clear, to the point of being downright creepy. I’ve been practicing Divinations for some time now and I consider myself to be quite experienced at it but even I felt a chill run down my spine as I read the cards tonight.
I didn’t intend my reading to be about the Grecession but fate had other plans. To say that we’ve all suffered a financial setback is an understatement and many people’s entire lives have been turned upside down because of it. We’re left confused and afraid and uncertain about our futures but the message we’re being given is quite clear. We need to find strength in unity! We must stick together! We must not let this setback drive us apart!
That is what the cards wished to tell us tonight.
Thank you for reading.
If you have a question you’d like answered in Weekly Portents please send a self addressed stamped owl ((notecard)) to Riven Redwhisper ((luka5555 resident)). Your identity will remain anonymous unless you specifically request otherwise. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee the results of these readings and we also regret that we may be unable to answer everyone’s questions every week. Rest assured, however, that we’ll do everything in our power to answer as many people as we can as accurately as we can.