Arithmancy (All Years)
Professor Rask (Valent1ne Apogee)
Create your own alchemical circle using Metatron’s Cube and the Platonic Solids as a basis. The circle does not need to be functional but you must be able to explain your design. (( Either actually draw or RP its creation, provide either in a notecard. No less than 3 posts for RP. Example circle: ))
Magical Theory (All Years)
Professor Reuter (Jamie Delwood)
Two scrolls of parchment ((paragraphs)) on Dragon Heartstring wand core.
Potions (All Years)
Professor Green (ProfessorJuniperGreen Resident)
homework for the next two weeks will be to write two parchments on mood-impacting potions, I want you to pick three and write about why you think they do what they do. What ingredient do you think causes the effect they give?
Extra Credit (max twice a week)
Care of Magical Creatures
Professor Eastwood (PeasantWomen Resident)
Document Sample: Care of Magical Creatures EXTRA CREDIT Work Sheet ONE time per week In your free time go out to the hut and in the back by the front of the building there will be a horse stall with equipment to feed groom and care for the horse. A flying horse will be standing by the hut for you to interact with. Do not go to the horse after curfew IC. Time bubble is allowed. ((Please place NC in NC mailbox by the horse)) SL Name: Character Name: House: Year: Date: Copy Paste RP Log Here:
Professor Dracheblume (AriannavonDracheBlume Resident)
Tend to the compost barrels twice weekly for house and skill points. Full instructions are in the box by the barrels