Rumour Has It is for the sharp tongued among us, and the people who claim to deplore gossip, but secretly read it all the same.
Confessions, rumours or Questions can be given to our friendly messenger owl that loiters outside The Great Hall, he takes any messages to The Owl Post, just have a few owl nuts handy!
Wait wait wait. You said the Head Girl jumped over a railing from the second floor in the Long Gallery while invisible and then zapped that kid in Vikander’s class? No no no… She’s blind, isn’t she? How could she even do that?
Who did you say were the ‘invisible assassins?’ No, no, can’t be those two. They’re just… I mean… Seriously?
One of the Ravenclaw girls is refusing to sleep in her own bed at night after the many legged thing was let loose
The Hogwart’s Champion apparently knows some things about the final Task.
I heard that someone’s been selling “bottled essence of Veela” it’s either a beautifying potion, a love potion, or someone got one of the pretty ones running and squeezed out their jumper after
Two Beauxbatons students have been practically adopted as Durmstrangs.
Ever see the movie ‘Predator?’ It was like that. Except that there were two of them. Uuuugly.
The foreign students have apparently been abusing the fact they’re outside of the castle, the gates have been heard creaking late into the night
A well known couple is apparently on the paths for splitsville. How many people are waiting in the wings for that!?
Got your own gossip to spread and muck to rake? Drop us an owl!