Defence Against the Dark Arts
Professor Macauley (George Mumbhata)
Discuss: Should werewolves be integrated into society if they freely admit to have pride for the victims they kill or turn? Shouldn’t they be taken to Azkaban for not locking themselves away in a room during their turning (despite the sordid truth that it’s a painful process and if they aren’t free, they will brutally attack themselves?) Or do you have any other ideas?
Healer’s Club Homework
Healer Flutterby (professormelisandeflutterby)
Write down what you believe the most important components of a Magical First Aid kit are. Write down the components and why. Either send it to me or bring it with you next time. Over the next couple of weeks we will work on putting together a Wixen’s first aid kit.
Potions Theory
Professor Green (professorjunipergreen)
Write 2 parchments on Amortentia smells do change vs they don’t change. Explain why you think the opposite opinion are incorrect in your eyes.
Professor Banks (joannahrose)
Find the book on elemental Transfiguration and research the spells that are within your year.
Extra Credit (max twice a week)
Care of Magical Creatures
Professor Eastwood (PeasantWomen Resident)
Document Sample: Care of Magical Creatures EXTRA CREDIT Work Sheet ONE time per week In your free time go out to the hut and in the back by the front of the building there will be a horse stall with equipment to feed groom and care for the horse. A flying horse will be standing by the hut for you to interact with. Do not go to the horse after curfew IC. Time bubble is allowed. ((Please place NC in NC mailbox by the horse)) SL Name: Character Name: House: Year: Date: Copy Paste RP Log Here:
Professor Dracheblume (AriannavonDracheBlume Resident)
Tend to the compost barrels twice weekly for house and skill points. Full instructions are in the box by the barrels