Arithmancy (All Years)
Professor Rask (Valent1ne Apogee)
Go around the castle and find two or three examples in either the architecture or art where geometrical precision was used in either the composition or in a pattern. Describing it is fine, but a sketch would be a bonus.
Astronomy (All Years)
Professor Priaulx (Bay Quartz)
Write your own explanation of parallax and parsecs, and also arc seconds. If you wish to include diagrams that would be beneficial to raising your grade.
Thus far we have covered aquarius, pisces, aries, gemini, and taurus from the constellations of the zodiac. I would like you to locate one of the other two constellations of the zodiac in the sky right now and plot them on your star charts
(( setting the time and date January 5th and Midnight. Charts are outside Priaulx’s office))
Ghoul Studies (All Years)
Professor Esper (Ghost Riler)
Choose one haunted place or location that has a ghost story / urban legend attached to it. If there is such a place in the area that you live please share that story with us, otherwise you may research a story from another area. ((You can make up a fictional IC haunted place & ghost story.))
Mythology (All Years)
Professor Van der Brough (Tawny Gellner)
Homework is to take this short quiz, it helps you closely identify with one of the Gods in Greek Mythology. Your job is to post your quiz results and write one paragraph about who you closely identified with. OOC: <—This is the quiz
Potions (All Years)
Professor Blightly (edwardmass)
two feet of parchment on what you would like to learn this term.
Extra Credit (max twice a week)
Care of Magical Creatures
Professor Eastwood (PeasantWomen Resident)
Document Sample: Care of Magical Creatures EXTRA CREDIT Work Sheet ONE time per week In your free time go out to the hut and in the back by the front of the building there will be a horse stall with equipment to feed groom and care for the horse. A flying horse will be standing by the hut for you to interact with. Do not go to the horse after curfew IC. Time bubble is allowed. ((Please place NC in NC mailbox by the horse)) SL Name: Character Name: House: Year: Date: Copy Paste RP Log Here:
Professor Dracheblume (AriannavonDracheBlume Resident)
Tend to the compost barrels twice weekly for house and skill points. Full instructions are in the box by the barrels