By L. Clements
(and A. Osiris – Dueling Champion and.. Something something) (AND ROLE MODEL)
That time of year has slowly trundled into the forefront of our minds before slamming into us with the subtlety of Aloy Osiris (how mean, Nora) doing an interview; The Winter Ball. But no! This year it’s different, this year The Triwizard Tournament brings with it The Yule Ball.
Champions have scrambled to find a dance partner to open the event and last minute preparations are being made by staff, house elves, and seamstresses – both amateur and professional. I bet some of the Champions struggled to find partners – some of them are quite annoying, to say the least. His name starts with an L, ends with an S, has AR in between.. Anyway.
Don’t forget though, dress code!
The BIGGEST dress code change that has come with The Yule Ball is that we need to wear dress robes. I know, biggest bummer of the year, but I’m sure we can do it and look better than the foreign students! Please don’t wear curtains for robes. Or a weird cape. Dress robes don’t mean you have to look like a Professor. Especially not a Professor from the 90s. Or does it? Nora, help me?
I’ve been asked by the Head staff to reiterate the important rules along with the robes:
No Butts and no low-cuts.
Which means you’re not allowed to have your butt anymore. Leave it in your dorms.
So, according to the dress code that means everyone’s neckline needs to be ‘modest’ – guys, gals and non-binary pals included. That also includes the back of your outfit too. Don’t forget you can always throw on a pretty undershirt to cover up and still look glamorous; sequins are your friend! Or just wear a normal bloody dress. You’re not impressing anyone! I mean, I guess you kinda are, since it’s the Yule Ball.. Still. You get my point.
[OOC note: if in doubt the moderator team has a lovely list of good undershirts]
Suit wearers need a proper suit – no open buttons and a tie (bow or regular) is a must! If you’re wearing a suit, you better look dashing. Look at Jamie Koslarevic and their gorgeous suits if you need a source of inspiration. And I’m NOT biased.
(This just in; Alot has ditched Torn to go out with Jammy)
Dress wearers must make sure to wear proper gowns as this is a formal event! Younger students are free to wear shorter dresses than their elder counterparts – knee length or longer – if they want but only 4th years and above can wear proper heels. As a lady, I would not recommend wearing heels. They’re a huge pain in the arse, even the kitten heels. I remember trying to wear them to Herbology, and I just about died. Literally. I was in tears afterwards. Don’t even TRY dancing with heels on. Just wear sneakers.
If your dress has a slit in it that goes higher than your knee don’t forget tights though.. With a predicted high of 1 degree celsius I’d personally recommend everyone wears tights, even people wearing a suit!!
Oh, I thought you measured the degree of the slit..
But yes, do wear tights, as it is going to get even colder than today. You don’t want to freeze your buttocks, do you?
The buttocks that you’ve left in your dorm. Those buttocks. Yes.
So there you have it! That’s your helpful (o̶r̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶p̶f̶u̶l̶ excuse you Nora, we’re very helpful) guide to what to wear!