We all appreciate a good laugh. Even professors! So, we asked the professors to provide us with the funny, hilarious, and downright strange answers you all put on your exams and compiled them here. Enjoy!
Q: Give a brief description of the properties of each number, 1-9. Be sure to include the number’s associated planet and associated colour.
1 – For sorrow
2- For joy
3- For a girl
4 – For a boy
5 – For silver
6 – For gold
7 – For a secret never to be told
8 – is great
9 – is late
Q: What is a good way to distract a dragon?
A: Have Mali try to hug them? I mean as much as I know she and I want to, that would not work. Perhaps transfiguring something into a sheep and manipulating it where you wish the dragon to look would be a good idea. Or levitating an object about to lure them away could work as well.
Q: Name one of the dragon reserves or areas where dragons are kept.
A: Dungeons
Q: Explain briefly one type of plant Reproduction.
A: When a mommy and daddy plant love each other very much the daddy plant will invite a bee over to play. The bee will collect the daddy plant’s pollen and then send the bee to visit the mommy plant where the bee will deposit the pollen in the mommy plant and help to create baby plants.
Q: Name the types of Bulbs.
A: LED, incandescent, halogen
Q: Why do we need bees in herbology?
A: They carry the entire eco system on their backs! (if bees even have backs)
Q: How are transfigurations different than charms?
A: The curriculum says they are.
Q: Describe the branches of Transfiguration and the sub-branches therein and provide an example of each
A: -Human Transfiguration: Example: ME!!
Q: What is an example of the vanishment branch of transfiguration?
A: Me making my Transfiguration textbook disappear?
Q: Describe the reasons why we have the Five Exceptions to Gamp’s Law?
A: Because… magic can’t do everything?