Rumour Has It is for the sharp tongued among us, and the people who claim to deplore gossip, but secretly read it all the same. Ruffled Feathers are for those who need help and advice.
Confessions are something entirely different. Got something you want off your chest? Need to scream it from the Astronomy Tower but can’t? The Owl Post is here to be your metaphorical Astronomy Tower
Confessions, rumours or Questions can be given to our friendly messenger owl that loiters outside The Great Hall, he takes any messages to The Owl Post, just have a few owl nuts handy!
In my defence, I didn’t know it was Vikander in the first place – he looked young!
I think curse or not they should all be held accountable for the trouble they caused.
I wish people would stop being angry at the cursed ones. They had no control over their actions.
I thought I was done being made to feel miserable and alone due to no more dances this year. Guess I was wrong.
A Midsummer ball! I can’t wait to feel like a Shakespearean fairy!
I have a feeling the third year’s constant drama is going to be the death of us all.
I am so glad the rotten pumpkin is gone.
I can’t wait to see a certain horrible Slytherin eat it in the tourney. And I hope it’s that Hufflepuff that takes her down.
I feel like a rotten pumpkin
Got your own confession just begging to be told? Drop us an owl and tell all!