Aydeen Polazo
i know we are young , and have our ups and downs but i promise to always be around. With love , Always yours Thana
Thana Izumi
My Knight
My nose has been pulled from the pages of my book with surprise and joy at your roses. I’m looking and searching for you, my knight. Wear a blue rose with your clothes until I find you.
Your Raven
Elliot Reid
You hurt me so much it drives me crazy, the way you speak to me with that calm voice even when you yell at me makes me melt…I can’t go a day with out you, I’m scared to even talk to you after what happened. I wish you weren’t putting walls up and just let me in
The Flower Snek
He protecc. He attacc. He a snacc. But most importantly, he bring my cat bacc.
Thanks for being such a handsome, strong and amazing person. Thank you for returning my cat. That’s such a noble and chivalrous thing to do. You are for sure the worlds best Slytherin.
Marley Anonymous
Quinn Lowry
You have come to be a part of me. Through thick and thin, by my side is where you have been. Thank you for all you do, and even more for being you. Happy Valentines day.
The Owl Post Team
To all my hard working members, I couldn’t do this without you. It’s been a long year and I’m sure it will be longer still, but you’ve been the best team an editor could ask for. Thank you. <3
Persephone V.
To all of my friends,
Thank you for holding me up when I could not stand on my own.
Thank you for being light in overwhelming darkness.
Thank you for being the voices of reason against negativity, be it my own insecure thoughts or the whispers of others.
Thank you for showing me what true loyalty, friendship, support and positivity is.
I’m truly lucky to know you all, and I hope for more laughter and happy memories to come.
Marzia Sterling
Roses are red
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you.
What do you think,
Just me and you?
Let’s be romantic
And try something new.
Fred Nakano
Dear cousin. You are my only true family and love you always through thick and thin. Still walking the path together.
Thomasin Sexton
Morgan Maldive
“Doth grace and beauty pulleth me in. Doth sweetness kept thine. Forever yours until the sun sets in the East.” – Lady Sexton.
You’re a muppet, but I suppose you’re not that bad.
To All the Badgers
You all have been a wonderful family these past 7 years. I adore you all. On this day of sweetness and hearts, never let yours get bitter.
To everyone who sent roses, thank you for spreading the love
To my cupids, thank you for your wings
I’ve admired you from afar for years. I don’t care that you smell of farts, in fact I quite like it in a bizarre way. It’s unique. It adds character. Please accept my distant affection, like a fart on the wind.
A Aura-Huffing Hufflepuff
You’re not perfect, but what is, in this climate? I love you for you, I admire all your quirks, and adore your failures, especially you’re largest one, which is dating me.
Let’s snatch a bottle of firewhisky from the Three Bs and enjoy an evening of belated festivity.
You’re bang tidy. free this weekend? I’ll be in the Broomsticks with half a bottle of sherry and a bottle and a half of pure imagination.