Author: Cassandra R. Middles
The hag has been appearing on more and more lips each day. Whether it’s whispers of the new darkly dressed potions professor, the jokings of ‘Haglena Arlet’(more known as Helena Arlet of Slytherin House), or the gossip that grows larger and larger each day of the Hag of Crowscreep. With all these whispers and all of the gossiping, one has to question what is truth and what is fiction?
Of course, if any of you know me, especially with my recent expulsion scare, you’d know I would do anything to figure out the truth on this matter. Sadly, a lot of what I’ve learned is still only rumors and speculations. Let me start from how the hag first appeared in our hallowed halls.
It started out as any normal shopping day in hogsmeade, the hustle and bustle of shoppers filling the streets while vendors called out their goods and services. The start of a new school term was on it’s way when the hag was spotted, merely shopping about in the storefronts. Well, nobody suspected a thing of her, until a local man suddenly went missing, nowhere to be scene nor heard. The suspicion was then placed on this mysterious Hag, as she had disappeared after the local man was taken as a missing person. Professors had been seen in the three broomsticks, their words hinting of a missing man, making this truth seem much more tangible than idle gossip.
The second attack was done on first year Gryffindor, Star Silverstone.
At the beginning of the term, a loud cry rang out from the lake, and this wide eyed and innocent student was attacked. She was seen by the lake, the hag hunched over and lurking on her. After a poorly aimed stupefy by an unmentioned person, the hag ran off and escaped, leaving Miss Silverstone unconscious and virtually safe.
Though many don’t believe me, the hag’s next victim was none other than your reporter, Cassandra Rose Middles. My case, I fear is up for speculation, as I am trying to get more information on my attacker. If they are indeed the hag, then I was the second Gryffindor student to be attacked by her, slammed against the wall with a hurling hex after being asked for my House password. During the attack, she was hidden in the dark behind a wall, and sadly, I never saw her face.
Most recently, the young and rambunctious Upton Zero was nearly attacked this week, while serving detention given by Headmistress Fischer, in the woods to help Professor Wilbault with an assigned task. While on his detention, he was approached by the Hag, crows filling the area and the mysterious female would appear in random spots around him, never staying in one place. Mister Zero stated there was a barrier protecting him from the hag, so she was unable to lay a single spell or finger on him, though, according to him, one thing that she stated was “darkness is everywhere, especially in places you least expect it.” Upton Zero then went on to explain that the mysterious hag left through apparition.
After hearing this from the brave Gryffindor himself, I went out to professors Norma Lapere (Hogwarts Alchemy Professor) and Joshual Wibault (Hogwarts Care of Magical Creatures Professor) to question them both on the Hag. According to both, a Hag can neither cast spells like she had on me, a Hag can also not apparate. This raises the Question of the day: Is the Hag of Crowscreep really a hag?
Through all the speculations and rumours, I sadly have no answer for you as of yet, though the general consensus so far seems to point to a No. I feel that at this time, there are too many points against the hag actually being a hag, but she could possibly be one in disguise. other’s speculate that she could be more than one person, all working towards messing with the school. So for now, as always, the OP insists that we all look after each other, try to have house unity, and we urge you to stay safe!