The Owl Post previously published articles from witches and wizards across the country, and even the globe, to showcase many different job roles you may face in your Life Beyond Hogwarts. (If interested in a reread, feel free to speak to an Owl Post member for our older copies)
You may notice, currently, 5th year students are (OR SHOULD BE) discussing with their Heads of Houses their OWL and NEWT subjects and how it relates to their future aspirations. In recent weeks The Daily Prophet has reached out to The Owl Post to liaise a ‘sponsored article’ from them. The Daily Prophet, in the months of May through to August, can be found to advertise graduate jobs and have decided to expand to assist sixth year students in finding work experience to enhance their curriculum vitae (C.V.)/resumé when they graduate.
Why should you be interested?
As mentioned previously, work experience over the summer months provides padding for your C.V. when you graduate. It also enables you to forge connections with the wizarding world for when you do graduate, potentially landing you in jobs further up the ladder!
Who do you need to contact?
Send a letter to your Head of House to organise a meeting discussing which work experience roles you are interested in. Your Head of House will contact the necessary people and relay any required information back to you
Gryffindor – Professor Moore
Hufflepuff – Professor Priaulx
Ravenclaw –Professor Blightly
Slytherin – Professor Rask
What do I need?
- An enthusiasm in the field you’re interested in
- A cover letter detailing your personality, why you’re interested in the position, your OWLs, your predicted NEWTs
- A reference from your Head of House
- Further references if you feel it to be necessary
All submissions MUST be completed by 16th June!
What work experiences positions are open and what does it involve?
Popular Choices
- The Daily Prophet – working at The Daily Prophet involves early mornings and late nights to assist in the publishing of the newspaper. You will be allocated to a member of the staff who will take you under their wing to guide you in the day to day runnings of the paper, they may take you to press conferences, breaking news events, and more
- St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries – Due to the complexity of healing, positions at St. Mungo’s will involve shadowing the reception witch with the potential of spending hours shadowing the healers and mediwitches and wizards
The Ministry of Magic
- The Department of Magical Law Enforcement will be taking on one to two students to work alongside a member of the team.
- Wizengamot Administration Services will be taking on one students who will be able to attend all trials and investigatory hearings
- The Department of Magical Games and Sports, are looking for one student eager and enthusiastic about all aspects of Magical Sports.
- The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures will take one to two students. Students will be taken on the majority of patrols with a qualified professional to learn the ropes of wrangling magical creatures
- The Department of Transport will be taking one student to attend floo inspections, apparitions classes, and organising portkeys.
- The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes is looking for one to two enthusiastic students eager to learn about the department and support adjacent departments.
- The Department of the Minister for Magic, will take one student who is enthusiastic about working within the political side of the Ministry. They will work directly under the Minister for Magic’s assistant.
- The Department of Magical Education will be taking on one student to see the inner workings of how the Ministry works alongside Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and will support in the preparation of exam results
- Quality Quidditch Supplies/Spintwitches Sporting Needs – For all you Quidditch fans the famous Quality Quidditch Supplies and Spintwitches Sporting Needs – who hold branches in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade, respectively – will be taking on ONE shop assistant for each branch who will assist in the shops day to day running with the chance of going on buying trips.
- The Three Broomsticks – Hogsmeade doesn’t stop just because school is out and The Three Broomsticks sees record numbers in the warmer months so are vying for an enthusiastic work experience student to learn about the running of a pub.
- The Thirsty Dragon – Godric’s Hollow is a popular destination for holiday goers who want to have some sun but not go too far. ‘The Cat Lady’ is looking for an enthusiastic work experience student to learn about the running of a pub.
- Magical Menagerie/Eeylops Owl Emporium – The Magical Menagerie and the world renowned Diagon Alley Eeylops Owl Emporium are both looking for students with a keen interest in caring for magical creatures to assist in day to day shop activities
- Flourish and Blotts – The owner of Flourish and Blotts has expressed an interest in a student with an affinity for books, reading and learning, to help in sourcing the best new books, store maintenance, and shop assistance
- Tomes & Scrolls – Hogsmeade’s book shop has expressed an interest in a student with an affinity for books, reading and learning, to help in sourcing the best new books, store maintenance, and shop assistance
- Goode’s Potions Supply Shop – An affinity for potions is essential in this role where you will work with the owner of the Hogsmeade Apothecary to select the finest ingredients to sell. BYOB (Bring your Own Bezoar)
- Dogweed & Deathcap – The Hogsmeade botany shop is perfect for a herbology enthusiast to assist in the preparation in plant based potions ingredients
- Honeydukes – Hogsmeade based, world famous Honeydukes Sweet Shop has expressed interest in a student with an enthusiasm for Homemaking Magic, candies, and wonder to assist them in the making of magical candies and day to day shop activities.
- Snitches Get Stitches – The up and coming Hogsmeade metal charming shop is looking for a student gifted in Transfigurations and Charms to join the team and learn some skills that the school may not be teaching
- La Porte Rouge – The Godric’s Hollow patisserie is looking for a student with an enthusiasm for baking and learning how to run a small independent business. Any work experience student will get 5% of the income of ALL sales
- Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop – The Hogsmeade cafe is looking for a student with a knack for waiting on tables and excellent communication skills.
- Florean Fortescues – The Godric’s Bay Branch, and The Diagon Alley Branch are looking for two enthusiastic youngsters with a sweet tooth ready to sell sell sell over the hot summer. Any work experience student will get 5% of the income of ALL sales at their chosen location. What an incentive!?
- Shoeburyness Magical Wildlife Reserve The chosen student will be required to join in on the day to day work and responsibilities that come with caring for Magical creatures, and the maintenance of their habitats.
Make sure to organise your meeting with your Head of House and prepare your cover letter, it doesn’t hurt to ask for additional references prior to the meeting too! If you have requests for other lines of work your Head of House will do their best to assist in organising this however cannot make any guarantees.