Rumour Has It is for the sharp tongued among us, and the people who claim to deplore gossip, but secretly read it all the same.
Confessions, rumours or Questions can be given to our friendly messenger owl that loiters outside The Great Hall, he takes any messages to The Owl Post, just have a few owl nuts handy!
I saw the Head Boy walking around without shoes on
Rumour has it a certain Eagle Prefect and a Slytherin Perfect were seen snogging near the owlery.
Looks like the Head Boy isn’t dating his special someone I heard the Slytherin Prefect was snogging a girl
A tall snake seems to be getting all the attention, and it’s causing problems in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff!
Someone told me that the Head Boy was seen hiding in the bushes and spying on Hogsmeade weekend
There seems to be a family of stray cats living within the school’s confines.
Word is that the head boy was seen with Identical snake bodyguards.. Apparently they may be MORE than bodyguards, if you catch my drift.
Rumour has it that Nora has opened a book on the outcome of the mock Wizengemot.
The Gossipy Paintings in the Tapestry Hallway have been hired as recruiters for the traditionalist forces.
The Elwood twins just use looksmaxxing and contorting to look alike, they actually look very different from each other.
A red-headed little lion went toe-to-toe with the smallest snake boy in a good-natured duel. RHI there was a lot of giggling, sniffling and sneezing.
A certain Ravenclaw younger year may be banned from the hospital wing if she doesn’t get better at learning to care for bees.
The Daily Prophet is considering a work experience position for a junior war correspondent this summer.
The reason the Huffles are scoring so much extra credit is that their HoH assigned them foraging, they’d be doing even better except they eat the food items instead of turning them in for points!
Twins have an unfair advantage in Apparitions exams, not only are you not sure which twin passed or failed; but they have a spare parts donor on hand in the event of splinching.
Got your own gossip to spread and muck to rake? Drop us an owl!