Hello, hello, and good day everyone out there in Hogwarts-Land.
I’m here to bring you the freshest news from three or four weeks ago or so. That’s right, we’re gonna talk about the mirror… thing. What’s the mirror thing? Well it’s probably irrelevant now but it seems we got some vandal running round smashing mirrors which means absolutely bloody nothing, far as I can tell. Seems there’s no demons flying out of the mirrors or anyone getting cursed by them but there’s a couple interesting things going on that make this news-worthy I suppose.
Here’s what we currently know. Mirrors in several areas were mysteriously destroyed or have vanished without a trace. Some of those mirrors were in different secured locations that not everyone has access to. For example, mirrors in both the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor dorms were destroyed which means either multiple people, some in different houses, all had temper tantrums at once, the person who broke them is someone who has access to all of these locations, or there are forces at work here that don’t follow the same rules we do. Those last two seem the most likely but my guess is the middle one. We did have some trouble with the house-elves last year, didn’t we? And they have access to everywhere and everything round here, don’t they?
As for that third option… now this is pure bloody speculation but I’ve been present for a few different lessons on the topic of cursed mirrors though I’ll admit I’m not exactly the most ‘pay-attentiony’ type so don’t remember the specifics. Big ones I remember’s one from Eddy Esper’s ghoul studies class a few years back talking something about ghosts getting stuck in mirrors or something? And if the mirrors get broke the ghosts are trapped in limbo forever? Then there was a whole thing with Algie or Vik’s cursed mirrors. One that made you see yourself real ugly or showing your opposite mirror-self or something? The evil mirror twin complete with goatee, I’m assuming. Think I remember hearing another where mirrors were a doorway or a portal to somewhere else maybe? Don’t bloody remember, honest. Sounds like some proper Algie stuff but could’ve been both, really.
Now from what I remember the telescopes were all busted up too. Guessing because there’s mirrors in those too? Astronomy’s not one of my best subjects neither so reckon someone else is better off answering that one but seems like it’d be a thing, yeah?
What else do we know? Well the whole thing started when we was still fumbling round in the dark last month. Think it happened not long before the whole grandfather clock business got fixed up proper but how they’re related it’s hard to say. At first we figured it was just folks going mad being trapped in the dark so long. Oh! And the most news-worthy bit is that the mirrors couldn’t be fixed after they were broken so by using person-healing logic that tells us they were probably destroyed with curse magic.
Right, so what do the professionals say? One professor indicates that the mirrors couldn’t be repaired because of one of three things. Either they were broken with magic as we suspected, someone magically tampered with the shards of glass, or there was something bewitched about the mirrors all along that we just didn’t know about. Honestly that last one didn’t occur to me till now but sounds the most interesting. After all, why would someone bother messing with the shards of broken mirrors so they couldn’t be fixed?
Now the mirrors being magic the whole time’s interesting and plausible since we do live in a magic bloody castle, after all. But how are they enchanted and most importantly why? I asked around and some students speculate they’d be hexed for some anti-fogging nonsense, at least with the bathroom mirrors, but those are always pretty foggy to me so dunno if I’d buy that. Then there was one bloke who said the mirrors were cursed by quote-unquote “Papa Salazar” himself but wouldn’t answer why or how. Sounded a bit of a nutter if you ask me but another student speculated that the mirrors were being used as remote listening or viewing devices like a security camera or something. Whether they’re being used by some unseen evil to spy on the goings-on at Hogwarts or just by the professors to keep an eye on the students they couldn’t say either way but might explain why some professors round here seem to have eyes in the back of their heads.
The only supposed eyewitness testimony is suspect at best and says it was someone running round smashing stuff with a hammer like a bloody cartoon character or something. Unfortunately she refused to give us more because she’s a boy crazy ghost who’s withholding information until we provide her boys to fawn over. Gross but if there’s any lads out there up for a ghostly snog and a trip to the second-floor girl’s bathroom, ask her what the deal is with the mirrors while you’re at it.
Right so what’s it all mean? Honestly, I dunno. Not like there’s really much to go on here, is there? Not unless some evil spirits, dark magic, or boiling hot lava pours out of the broken mirrors, but it’s been real quiet since the whole thing popped off about a month ago. I don’t even have any advice for you besides my normal “keep your eyes peeled and wand handy” and all that junk. Guess if you see any more broken mirrors or shards of glass in strange places or oddities in general let a prefect know right away so we can check it out and for bloody Merlin’s sake don’t touch any of it.
That’s all for today so goodbye, adios, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, and so on and so on.
-Riven Redwhisper