Rumour Has It is for the sharp tongued among us, and the people who claim to deplore gossip, but secretly read it all the same.
Confessions, rumours or Questions can be given to our friendly messenger owl that loiters outside The Great Hall, he takes any messages to The Owl Post, just have a few owl nuts handy!
Vikander thinks that 3rd years on up have survived enough at this place to be able to be aurors during the next great wizarding war.
Did you hear the Peyroux girl is trying to get into Azkaban just like her cousin?
Where was the prefect going while DADA was happening? She seemed to be heading for the gates in a hurry!
Vikander enjoys doing students’ hair.
You’d think with the name she has that one Hufflepuff first year would smell lovely. But instead she stinks to high heaven. Does she knot know how to bath?
Macauley HATES the colour blue so much he won’t eat it. If you want to keep your snacks use colovaria on them.
I heard the Ravenclaw HoH was actually a donkey that got transfigured into a wixen.
Those two prefects who arrived in DADA with their uniforms askew must have been up to something. I thought she was seeing someone!
PROFESSOR Osborne slapped a kid 10 minutes into the first class.
Some red headed snake purposefully broke her leg to save some younger student from detention, what do they teach those snakes these days?
Vikander made students run laps around the whomping willow as incentive to keep moving and practice not dying.
Professor Macauley likes Professor Priaulx sooo much that he had to find an excuse to bring her tea during class.
Word around the castle is a certain young badger has been trying to get anyone she can in trouble.
The REAL reason for “late fees” at the library is FWT. (The fire whiskey tax for dealing with students and their questions)
That snake spelled ‘curse’ wrong. You would think they have enough experience with them to get that word right.
What’s with the pumpkins? They patch has gotten huge… The Hufflepuffs must be doing something right to them
I heard a rumour if you upset prof. Banks she will turn you into an animal and make you a classroom pet.
I swear I heard someone singing out by the pumpkin patch! It was coming from the forest? Creepy as hell
Did you hear about the older student running around attacking students in a bunny mask? Like.. Come on… Sure, curse a kid while wearing a mask but at least make it a scary mask.
Professor Vikander actually wishes he was as upbeat as Toby Fleming
The new Ravenclaw head of house lives in the cabinets in the homemaking magic classroom, why else did they want that class?
That one new professor must have gotten hold of one of those rocks from dada. Why else take a job where it’s so obvious they hate kids?
Two lions, a third year and a fourth year, were seen taking a stroll all by themselves along the edge of the forest last weekend at Hogsmeade. Either they are knees deep in trouble, or snogging in the Forbidden Forest is now the ultimate destination for a first date. Madam Puddifoot’s not cool anymore?
Got your own gossip to spread and muck to rake? Drop us an owl!