Welcome to Weekly Portents, your one and only source for all things prophetic!
In Weekly Portents I, the one and only Riven Redwhisper, will be giving a special reading to let you know what to expect at Hogwarts in the coming days, weeks, months, and beyond! But that’s not all, dear reader! The cards tell me you should expect much much more in the future including personal readings to answer questions you’ve submitted, tips and tricks to improve your own Divinations game, and I even have an interview lined up with a real live seer! Yes, I know it’s been months since I first promised all these things but rest assured, they WILL happen! Eventually!
What are the Sooths saying? What are the Oracles orating? What are the augers articulating? Check in each week to find out!
Hello and welcome to another very exciting installment of Weekly Portents!! It’s good to be back, dear reader, I’ve missed you!
In my previous article, the last of 2028, I discussed what happened at last year’s Yule Ball and using a crystal ball we got a bit of guidance on how to proceed. We were told to go and enjoy ourselves. Have fun. Make the Yule Ball the party that the Durmstrang Headmaster would’ve wanted! I’m happy to say that I think we lived up to the Crystal Ball’s request and made Matvey Golovin quite proud with our cheer and happiness.
Thank you everyone for making the Ball the fun and joyous party we all needed!
Hope you had a lovely break and got all the gifts you wanted from Father Christmas, got enough new clothes that Yule Cat didn’t come and eat you, and you were good enough throughout the year that you didn’t get Krampusd. Had a beautiful holiday doing absolutely bloody nothing, myself. Was perfect.
Oh right, I also received a lovely Christmas card from my friends at the CoFS. You remember them, yeah? The ‘Council of Friendly Seers’ I talked about ages ago in this article. Live in the castle and put coal in people’s shoes or whatever. Wait, no… that’s someone else.
Anyway, they’re doing well but wanted to give me a reminder to remind you that their services are available to anyone who may need or want them. If you think that you or someone you know may be a seer or is having seer-like tendencies then please contact me, Riven Redwhisper, and I can put you in contact with this group who can help.
Right, with that out of the way let’s get on with the exciting part you actually come here for, this week’s reading!!
Have a fresh new year ahead of us so I spent a couple days scouring through the library looking for something fitting for this week’s reading. Came across an ancient book that looked like it was last touched when Merlin himself was eating in the Great Hall but underneath the layers upon layers of dust I found a book of holiday traditions around the world.
Didn’t expect to find much on Divs in there but actually found an interesting New Year’s tradition from Germany known as Bleigießen, which literally translates to ‘lead pouring’. Way it works is you melt some lead and pour it into a big bowl of water. When the lead cools and hardens, whatever shape it ends up in gives us an idea of what to expect this year!
Only problem is that lead’s a bit hard to come by and lead poisoning is probably no fun so we’ll have to go with the more modern version of this using tin! Managed to gather up loads of tin foil from all the Christmas treats people smuggled into the castle then made my way down to the Potions lab to use the little burner things. Managed to sneak in with the big bowl of water and now I’m just waiting for the tin to melt in my cauldron.
As it turns out, melting the tin takes way longer than I expected but it’s a bit hypnotic to watch the metal slowly melting and bubbling at the bottom. Unfortunately the tin foil made way less liquid tin than I thought but guess it’ll have to do! With my heavy gloves on I overturn the cauldron of liquid hot tin into the bowl and get a wicked crackling and hissing sound when the metal hits the water! After a quiet bit of waiting for it to cool, I pull out the small pieces of tin and tried to figure it out. Kinda just looks like little blobs of metal to me but what’s the book say!?
It has some pictures and examples and pretty sure I have two shapes, in all. One’s like a small bowl or cup and think that one’s “kelch” which means “chalice.” Supposed to be a symbol of good fortune and happy times and such. Then the other one is a blob with two tips on the top kind of like big pointy ears. Think that’s supposed to be “fuchs” or “fox” which warns us to be clever and sharp.
So putting it together we’re being told to expect good things in the future but only if we stay clever like a fox! Sounds like a pretty alright outlook for the year to come, I’d say.
That’s it for today, dear reader. Remember to stay crafty and clever and all that and I’ll catch up with you again next week!
If you’d like a reading by our very exclusive team of expert or if you just have questions about the art of Divinations itself, please send an owl to the one and only Riven Redwhisper and all your questions shall be answered! (( https://forms.gle/ocpV9iu7C3Axp4kE9 )) Please note that your questions will be published in the article but your identity will remain a secret unless you request otherwise. My mailbox is also always open to fan-mail, feedback, admiration, awards, gifts, or anything else you’d like to send!